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Shipwreck weekend 2019: “Ill-Fated Expeditions”

Join us on April 13 to learn from the fascinating stories and remains of ships at Shipwreck Weekend 2019, the Nautical Archaeology Program's anticipated annual event.

Shipwreck Weekend is an annual event to showcase the fascinating work and projects of the Nautical Archaeology Program (NAP) within the Department of Anthropology, which focuses on studying the remains of ships and the cultures that used them. This year’s event is on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at Scoates Hall, and will feature “Ill-Fated Expeditions: HMS Terror and Erebus,” as well as an open house of current NAP projects.

Parks Canada archaeologist with an underwater writing slate, documenting an area of the weather deck that has collapsed.

The weekend will kick-off with a lecture at 10:30 a.m. from Charles Dagneau of Parks Canada who has been involved in multiple excavation and survey projects in his career. His lecture will describe the infamous Franklin Expeditiona mystery that has captivated audiences for over 170 years.

The crew of the Franklin Expedition disappeared, with possibilities of “poisoning, starvation, death, cannibalism, failed rescue missions, scattered relics, and dramatic Inuit accounts … creating one of the greatest mysteries in British and Canadian history.”

Dagneau and Parks Canada were a part of the evaluation of the HMS Terror and Erebus wreck sites from 2014 to 2018. His lecture will present “an overview of the ongoing large-scale archaeological project, some preliminary results, and future plans.”

The open house begins at noon following the lecture, where graduate students will present current and past projects of the NAP which looks at wooden ship construction, seafaring through the ages, and techniques to analyze and conserve maritime activities. Current students will also discuss other ill-fated expeditions.

The open house will have activities for all ages, including face painting, a treasure hunt, and a photo booth. Be sure to come to this anticipated event on April 13 in Scoates Hall, Room 208!