Paris Internship Spotlight: Katie Seabolt
Senior communication student Katie Seabolt shares about her internship in Paris, France that aims to change the future of the workforce.

Originally posted here on CEA study abroad blog.
A rising senior from Montgomery, Texas, joins us this summer for an internship in Paris. Texas A&M University student, Katie Seabolt, interns at Spark the Change, which is a global community of people and organizations with a mission to change and grow the future of the workforce through enhancing motivation, building happy workplaces, and getting people to network. She spends her day researching and finding sponsors to partner with, and is currently working with three other interns to find partners for their conference in October.
Katie speaks highly of her co-workers and finds a great difference in French workforce culture compared to the American workforce culture. For example, when people arrive to work every morning, they go around and say “bonjour” to their co-workers. Katie also believes that the French are autonomous workers with lots of freedom when it comes to everyday work, which has given her confidence in knowing that she doesn’t always need a guide.
The best thing that Katie’s internship has taught her is not to be afraid of failure. She elaborates that her boss explained to her that there are going to be times when you miss your metro stop, you’re going to be frustrated at work, you’re going to mess up the language, but that is okay.
Katie works at Spark the Change Monday through Thursday, but when she’s not at the office, you can find her at CEA attending her photography class or traveling and seeking new adventures. Paris was the place for Katie because she really wanted to be immersed in an international workplace and also improve her French. She enjoys the little moments such as building close co-worker relationships by attending social events to get to know each other after work.
Katie understands the competitiveness of the workforce, especially for those who share her major. She encourages students to go out and get experience, because even if you don’t end up working internationally, you will encounter and potentially work with someone who has a different culture and outlook from yours.
Although she has only been here for a few weeks, Katie already sees herself missing Paris. She has had a positive experience and already can’t wait to come back. She advises all students to take a chance on themselves, even if it seems scary — just do it!
“Don’t be afraid of challenges because this experience is going to have them, and without challenges there is no growth.”