Texas A&M Department of Economics Hosts the Second Annual High School Counselor Day
The Texas A&M Department of Economics had the honor to host the second annual High School Counselor Day on Friday, 30 October, 2020 in a virtual setting.
This one-day conference brought in 30 High School guidance and career counselors from 16 schools across the state of Texas.
Dr. Jonathan Meer, Dr. Danila Serra and Mr. Kurt Felpel were the conference hosts and primary speakers however, the attendees also heard from three current ECON students and an ECON Academic Advisor (Rochelle Read).
A wide variety of topics were covered to include:
“What is Economics and why is it great?”
“What types of careers do ECON majors do?”
“What are some examples of current Economic research being done by students at A&M?”
However, the topic that received the most praise was when the counselors heard from three current ECON students. Sofia Navarrete, Irvin Claudio and Sofia Reyes all spoke about why they chose ECON, how they got there, their successes and struggles and why ECON is making a significant impact on their future careers.
You can also see more on Twitter.
Feedback from the high school counselors was overwhelmingly positive. Some of their comments about the conference were:
“Thank you very much, this was very informative.”
“I learned so much about econ…I had no idea! Thank you!”
“Thank you for the great information. Very well worth the investment in time today!”
“I love the passion that all of the students have. It is really amazing to see students excited about their major! Thank you for this gift.”
“She’s (Sofia Reyes) sold me! I even want to go back to school to study economics!”
“Thank you for the presentation and the testimonies. “