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High School Counselor Day – October 21, 2022

The Texas A&M Department of Economics had the honor to host the third High School Counselor Workshop on Friday, 21 October, 2022 in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Building on the campus of Texas A&M University.

This one-day conference brought in 23 high school guidance and college counselors from across Texas.

Dr. Jonathan Meer, Dr. Danila Serra, Dr. Margaret Ray and Mr. Kurt Felpel were the conference hosts and primary speakers. Attendees also heard from current ECON students, Texas A&M Admissions, and former ECON Academic Advisor and current Masters Program Manager Paula Verdegaal.

The Workshop covered a wide variety of topics, including what economics is really about, career opportunities for ECON majors, and examples of research being done by current students and faculty at A&M.

However, the portion of the program that received the most praise from the counselors was the panel of 7 current ECON students who spoke about why they chose ECON, their successes and struggles, and why ECON is making a significant impact on their futures.

Feedback from the high school counselors was overwhelmingly positive. Comments included:


“Amazing organization and communication prior to the event. Wow!! Seriously – top notch. Accommodations were comfortable / beautiful, food was delicious, and every single one of the presenters were engaging and informative. Thank you for a productive and fun experience. I am ready to go back to school and study economics – that’s not going to happen – but, I do feel confident about visiting with students about the field of economics and communicating the value of the field to our teachers.”


“I thought the entire day’s programming was really great and incredibly informative. I really appreciated all of the intention that was put into the day for us.”


“Great session! Extremely informative and very excited to pass this along to students.”


“It was excellent. I really enjoyed learning about your program”