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Inaugural Luther Soules III Fellowship is Awarded

LeeFourth Year PhD student, Yeon Jik Lee has been awarded the inaugural Luther Soules III Fellowship in Global Macroeconomics. This fellowship is awarded to an advanced full-time Ph.D. student in Economics, who has completed their 4th year, is in good standing, displays evidence of independent scholarship and promising research leading to a high quality dissertation. Further considerations are that the research is broadly in the field of global macroeconomics, and enhances our understanding of economic relationships, with a focus on improving welfare, societal cohesion, and economic growth.

Jik’s research interests are in empirical macroeconomics, particularly the propagation of monetary and fiscal policy and the effects of economic uncertainty. His dissertation centers on the communication of the Federal Reserve, specifically the “Fed information effect,” which impacts market participants’ beliefs and expectations for future economic fundamentals and the estimation of monetary policy shocks. He aims to understand the ongoing debates about this effect by investigating how its significance varies with economic uncertainty.

Congratulations Jik!