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Cushing-Glasscock Graduate Award 2017-2018

The Cushing-Glasscock Graduate Award supports research projects in the humanities that are based on the collections of the Cushing Memorial Library and Archives. The committee awards funding for up to two projects in the amount of $2,000 each, tenable from 1 June to 31 August of the year in which the award is made. This award is made in conjunction with the Cushing Memorial Library and Archives. Recipients will discuss their research at the Cushing-Glasscock Award Ceremony in the fall of the award year at Cushing Library. For information about application, contact the Cushing Library at 979.845.1951 or

Academic Year 2017-2018

Megan Pearson | Masters candidate, Department of English
“Revising Donne: The Gardner-Grierson Correspondence and the Second Oxford Editions of John Donne’s Poetry”

Damian Robles | PhD candidate, Department of Hispanic Studies
“Second-Person Address in English Translations of Don Quixote”