Fall 2023
Message from the Director
As we embark on the Glasscock Center’s 22nd year, I want to draw your attention to some of our upcoming events and share a few announcements.
The record-breaking hot summer in College Station and across much of the globe drove many of us to seek refuge in the airconditioned indoors, where our cadre of short-listing committees narrowed nominations for the 24th Annual Susanne M. Glasscock Book Prize to a final six books. The shortlist along with descriptions of the books can be found here. The list is a powerful testament both to the unique appeal of the prize and to the breadth of humanities research being conducted and published around the world.
This summer our dozen Undergraduate Summer Scholars and their Faculty Directors were also hard at work. You can learn more about the program and the impressive array of humanities-related research topics here.
We welcome Faculty and Graduate Residential Fellows, who, along with our faculty and graduate research fellowship recipients, will share their research at our long-standing Colloquium Series. We also look forward to welcoming a number of short-term visiting fellows to the Center as well as our first cohort of thirteen Arrival Fellows, a new award designed to support Texas A&M graduate students.
We are especially excited to launch The Humanities and the Anthropocene, a three-year initiative sponsored by the Glasscock Center through our new Research Initiatives program, which began last year. Learn more about the exciting multidisciplinary theme and upcoming events here.
Our Humanities: Land Sea Space Initiative is entering its sixth and final year, which promises to be its most robust yet in terms of events and programming, starting with an all-day event Landscapes of Belonging.
If you are new to Texas A&M or looking to engage with a new topic, consider joining one or more of our fifteen Research Working Groups, whose details and convenors can be found here.
Our funding opportunities for this semester with descriptions and application deadlines can be found here. Please note that the Internal Faculty Residential Fellowships have an earlier deadline than in previous years. Along with most of our programs, the Fall deadline is October 16th.
As usual, our full and ever-populating calendar of events and features on humanities research at Texas A&M can be found on our homepage.
On behalf of the Center, I wish you a fruitful start to the semester.
Best wishes,
Troy Bickham
Interim Director
Professor of History