Texas A&M University's Division of Marketing & Communications provides brand guidance, including logo requirements and best practices, in the online Brand Guide.
Acknowledgment of the Glasscock Center's support
- All publicity materials must acknowledge the sponsorship of “The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research.” Please ensure correct spelling.
- Publicity for events and activities for which the Glasscock Center is the primary sponsor (typically more than 50% of the funding) should acknowledge the Center as the primary sponsor accordingly. See the below example. This includes when Glasscock Center funding is the primary source for a keynote at a conference; in such cases, an appropriate acknowledgment of the Center for the keynote should be noted.
- We would appreciate the opportunity to review the promotional billing on materials before they are disseminated.
- Publications resulting from research supported by the Glasscock Center should also acknowledge the Center when possible and appropriate.