Publication year 2022
Adam Rosenthal, Global Languages and Culture
Poetics and the Gift: Reading Poetry from Homer to Derrida (Edinburgh University Press, 2022)
Adam Seipp, History
The Berlin Airlift and the Making of the Cold War (Texas A&M University Press, 2022)
Adam Seipp, History | Internal Faculty Residential Fellow, 2020-2021
Fulda Gap: A board game, West German society, and a battle that never happened, 1975–85 (War and Society, 2022)
Alberto Moreiras, Global Languages and Culture
Uncanny Rest: For Antiphilosophy (Duke University Press, 2022)
Andrew Kirkendall, History
Hemispheric Alliances: Liberal Democrats and Cold War Latin America (University of North Carolina Press, 2022)
Cheryl J. Craig, Teaching, Learning, and Culture
A Life of Optimism: Selected Works of Miriam Ben-Peretz (Brill, 2022)
Cheryl J. Craig, Teaching, Learning, and Culture
Learning, Leading, and the Best-Loved Self in Teaching and Teacher Education (Springer International Publishing, 2022)
Christoph Konrad, Global Languages and Culture
The Challenge to Auspices: Studies on Magisterial Power in the Middle Roman Republic (Oxford University Press, 2022)
David Vaught, History
Spitter: Baseball’s Notorious Gaylord Perry (Texas A&M University Press, 2022)
Eduardo Espina, Global Languages and Culture
Libro Albedrío (Varasek, 2022)
Felipe Hinojosa, History
Faith and Power: Latino Religious Politics Since 1945 (New York University Press, 2022)
Heidi Campbell, Communication
Digital Religion: The Basics (Routledge, 2022)
Hilaire Kallendorf, Global Languages and Culture
Religions 12-13 (2021-2022). Special issue on Religion and Art in the Renaissance. (Religions, 2022)
James R., III Ball, Performance
Performing Statecraft: the Postdiplomatic Theatre of Sovereigns, Citizens, and States Ed. James R. Ball, III (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022)
John Cullen Gruesser, Glasscock Center Visiting Fellow | Sr. Research Fellow, Sam Houston State University
A Literary Life of Sutton E. Griggs: The Man on the Firing Line (Oxford University Press, 2022)
John Cullen Gruesser, Glasscock Center Visiting Fellow | Sr. Research Fellow, Sam Houston State University
Animals in the American Classics: How Natural History Inspired Great Fiction (Texas A&M University Press, 2022)
Jun Lei, Global Languages and Culture
Mastery of Words and Swords: Negotiating Intellectual Masculinities in Modern China, 1890s-1930s (Hong Kong University Press, 2022)
L. Brett Cooke, Global Languages and Cultures | Publication Support Grant Recipient, Spring 2021
Human Nature in Utopia: Zamyatin's 'We': Russian Translation (Academic Studies Press, 2022)
Nathan Bracher, Global Languages and Cultures
A History of Masculinity: From Patriarchy to Gender Justice. Trans. Nathan Bracher. (Penguin Random House, 2022)
Nathan Bracher, Global Languages and Cultures
The Broken Years: Russia's War Veterans, 1904-1921. Trans. Nathan Bracher. (Penguin Random House, 2022)
Nathan Crick, Communication
The Rhetoric of Fascism. Ed. Nathan Crick (University of Alabama Press, 2022)