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Felipe Hinojosa co-edited collection, Faith and Power

Dr. Felipe Hinojosa’s co-edited collection, Faith and Power:  Latino Religious Politics Since 1945 with NYU Press (co-edited with Maggie Elmore of Sam Houston State University and Sergio González of Marquette University), is being released this week.  The link is here….

Faith and Power compellingly argues that religious politics are central to social movements in the twentieth-century U.S., not peripheral.  The dozen essays here consist of leading scholars as well as rising figures in the field.  These essays explore several different Latina/o faith communities and their activism through immigration, refugee policies, de-industrialization, the rise of the religious left and right, as well as through various preexisting social justice movements.  This is the first collection of Latina/o historians to map out the significance of religion in that community’s everyday life, a topic traditionally relegated to non-historians in religious studies units.  In addition to co-authoring the historiographical introduction, Felipe also contributes a chapter, “From the Fields to the Cities:  The Rise of Latina/o Religious Politics in the Era of Civil Rights.”  This collaborative effort has persevered through some adversity.  The organizing symposium here at Texas A&M was forced to cancel in the initial days of the pandemic in March of 2020, so the authors continued their vital collaboration remotely with Faith and Power in 2022 as the result.