Mardi Gras Ceramic Artifacts
Ceramics aboard the Mardi Gras Shipwreck consisted of fourteen complete vessels, six nearly complete vessels, and three shards.
The majority of the ceramic assemblage consisted of undecorated creamware, but stoneware and pearlware were also present. Creamware was an industrial, mass-produced product intended for consumption by middle-class families. Such lighter-colored creamware generally dates from 1775 to 1820, particularly table and tea wares.
Three place settings were found, consisting of a plate, tea bowl, and saucer. The presence of three settings has led researchers to the conclusion that the vessel had at least three crew members aboard.
In addition to the three place settings, serving wares were found, such as a broken tureen, seen at right, a charger, bowl, two platters, a pitcher, teapot, caster, two jugs and a bottle.
Artifact Gallery