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Will of Oliver Cransborough 1689

Vol. 6. Fol. 62
Oliver Cransborough, Port Royal Mariner
Entered April 5, 1689

In the name of God Amen I Oliver Cransborough late of New York now of Port Royall within the island aforesaid Mariner being sick and weake of body yet through Gods infinite Mercy of sound & perfectsane Memory and understanding doe make publish and declare ____ ____ ____ to be my last will and testament in manner and forme following Imp my ___ and immortal soule I kindly recommend unto ye hands of Almighty God my great creator trusting and relying wholly upon the all sufficient Merrits of the forever blessed Jesus of the body my dear Redeemer/ the Lord Christ for for a joyful resurrection of the body and eternal salvation of my soule Concerning my buriall I declare that my body may be interrd in the Earth after a Christian manner according to the direction and ___ of my Exors hereafter named As for my worldly Estate ____ ____ it be either here with where/ my funerall Expenses charges of sickness and all other of my just debts which is right in good Conscience I am owing unto any being first duly discharged and satisfied doe give and bequest as followeth First to my dear and well beloved wife Hilyard Cransbrough als Vanhorne (late of New York) and to her heirs and assignes forEver I doe give and bequeath my negroe woman called Betty and all my houshold goodsin New York above six hundred pieces of Eight which I left in trust in the hands of her sister ____ Coudais als Vanhorne ____ York was by her hate for the same will appease Alsoe les ten pounds fifty pieces of Eight which Edward Buckmaster of New York vintner justly owes me alsoe my negroe man Alexander with my Gold rings Gold buckles and my watch I doe in like manner give and bequeath unto my said wife Hilyard and to her heors and assignes forEver Farther out of my Cash here being in Jamaica I doe in like ample manner give and bequeath unto my said and well beloved wife Helyiard three hundred pieces of Eight. to be duly paid to her & her assignes at my decease by my Executor hereafter named Item I doe in like manner as aforesaid hereby give and bequeath unto my own honored and aged Mother Mrs Lucy Cransbrough late living in Kilkearny in the Kingdom of Ireland/ if yet living and to her heirs and assignes forEver Twenty six Spanish pistoles or pieces of Gold/ and if she be not living I doe give and bequeath the same/ they being now in my Chest/ unto my well beloved brother M. Nicholas Cransbrough of Port Royall aforesaid Vintner and to his heirs and Assigned forEver Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said and well beloved brother M. Nicholas Cransbrough and to his heirs and assignes forEver as followeth To say my own full halfe part of the sloop John and Mary now in Port Royall Harbour/ whereof M. James Wallis also a part owner together with my _______________________________________________
of all my Cash in this Island/ my said wife or her assignes being first duly paid as aforesaid bring the same One hundred and fifty pounds more or less together with all other my effects rights debts and Creditts in this Island in my manner due and remaining I doe in like manner give and bequeath unto my said brother Nicholas his heirs and assignes forEver he or they will and body ___ and fullfilling these conditions following that is to say giving my body a decent and Christian like buryall and sending my said and well beloved wife Helyiard Cransbrough home to her relatives in New York/ with all possible speed after my decease at the ___ of my said brother Nicholas Cransbrough his heirs Exors or assignes Item concerning the aforesaid one hundred and fifty pounds more or less soe given and bequeathed as aforesaid my will and meaning with conditions that all acts and demands between my said brother Nicholas and me/ other date hereof ever depending be therewith and thusly fully acquitted and cleered on both parts I also further will and ordaine that my said brother Nicholas for the consideracon? aforesaid and now this by himself his heirs Exors Admins or Assignes will and ___ all such small debts which I am owing in New York within the whole/ doe not surmount the sume of Twenty pounds Currant money there Item I doe will and bequeath all my clouthes & wearing appe’ll wth my books and sea instruments to be bestowed upon some on or ___ Irish Artist, as my said brother Nicholas in his judgement shall think just Finally I doe hereby fully and absolute/ to all intents and purposes whtsoever revoake utterly disanull and make void all & all mannerof former written wills ____ testaments whtsoever by me at any time or any manner by and ___ or ___ heretofor had made done or declared this my last will onely to be of full force power and effect And I doe hereby further make appoint, and declare my said well beloved wife Hileyard Cransbrough and my and well beloved brother M. Nicholas Cransbrough to be my joynt Executors for in case of mortality/ the ____ ____ of them later this my last will and testament duely pformed ___ in the fourth year of the reign of o Sovereign lord James the second King of England &c Anno domi 1688

Oliver Cransbrough

Signed sealed published declared
and delivered by the said Oliver
Cransbrough the testator as his last
will and testament in the presence of

Wm Stevens
Anth Wood
Fran Kirwan
Edw Bendy

Enrolled this fifth day of April 1689 psonally appeared before me William Stevens Anthony Wood Edw Bendy and made oath that they were present and did ___ Oliver Cransbrough the tetstator . . . . [the remainder is missing].