Manuel Davenport Society
Manuel Davenport Society
The Manuel Davenport Society for the Promotion of Excellence in Philosophy was established as a discretionary fund for support of undergraduate and graduate programs such as student awards, scholarships, fellowships and travel subsidies to permit students to attend meetings and conferences; funds to assist undergraduates organize a conference of their own; support for travel by graduate students in furtherance of their research projects; visiting speakers for student events; an annual prize for the best philosophy essay by an undergraduate and graduate.
The Manuel Davenport Prize is awarded annually to one Junior or Senior Philosophy major in recognition of their contributions to philosophy and the intellectual life of the Philosophy department.
Contributions may be made to the Manuel Davenport Society for the Promotion of Excellence in Philosophy by writing a check payable to the Texas A&M Foundation. In the memo section of the check please indicate “57476 Davenport”. The check should be mailed to Jamie Bosley, TAMU Philosophy Department, 4237 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4237.
Past Events
Manuel Davenport Memorial Alumnus Lecture & Student Award Ceremony
Thursday, April 20th, 2017 | Featuring Christopher Robichaud, Harvard Kennedy School
Undergraduate Essay Winner: Lawson Hamilton, “Whither Happiness? Virtue in John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism”
Manuel Davenport Prize: Cora Drozd, Senior Philosophy Major
Graduate Essay Winner: John C. O’Day, “The Problem(s) With Drones: Toward an Anticolonial Legal Realism”
Graduate Essay Winner: Jennifer Ward, “The Sickness Unto Death and the Sin Against the Holy Spirit: An Augustinian Interpretation”
Thursday, April 28th, 2016 | Featuring Stephen Puryear, North Carolina State University
Thursday, April 29th, 2010 | Featuring J. Carl Ficarotta, US Air Force Academy