Specialized Tracks In Philosophy
Students interested in pursuing particular professional careers might wish to pursue one of the following tracks in philosophy. These lists of courses are intended as guidelines, and students should consult with one of the department’s undergraduate advisors about courses that will best fulfill their needs and interests.
For students who are interested in pursuing advanced study or careers in counseling, or positions within organizations with a religiously oriented mission
- PHIL 208: Philosophy of Education
- PHIL 331: Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 381: Ethical Theory
- PHIL 464/RELS 464: Modern Jewish Thought and Philosophy
- PHIL 465: Ethics After the Holocaust
- PHIL 418: Phenomenology and Existentialism
- PHIL 441: Medieval Philosophy
For students who are interested in pursuing careers, or advanced study in, writing, education, or the arts
- PHIL 208: Philosophy of Education
- PHIL 330: Philosophy of Art
- PHIL 331: Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 371: Philosophy of Literature
- PHIL 424: Philosophy of Language
- PHIL 425: Philosophical Inquiry in Schools
For students interested in pursuing careers related to such fields as computer programming and software development
- PHIL 205: Technology and Human Values
- PHIL 282: Ethics in a Digital Age
- PHIL 341: Symbolic Logic I
- PHIL 342: Symbolic Logic II
- PHIL 351: Theory of Knowledge
- PHIL 424: Philosophy of Language
For students interested in attending law school
- PHIL 307: Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- PHIL 332: Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 334: Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 336: Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 470: Animal Welfare, Ethics, and Law
- PHIL 381: Ethical Theory
- PHIL 415: American Philosophy
For information on the Pre-Law Certificate, see here.
For information on the SEAL Program, see here.
For students who are interested in pursuing careers in the media and communication fields
- PHIL 205: Technology and Human Values
- PHIL 282: Ethics in a Digital Age
- PHIL 330: Philosophy of Art
- PHIL 351: Theory of Knowledge
- PHIL 375: Philosophy of Visual Media
- PHIL 376: Philosophy, Film and Evil
- PHIL 419: Current Continental
For students who are interested in pursuing careers in the medical profession, including doctor, nurse, health-care professional, hospital administrator
- PHIL 305: Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
- PHIL 320: Philosophy of Mind
- PHIL 381: Ethical Theory
- PHIL 480: Medical Ethics
- PHIL 483: Professional Ethics
For students interested in pursuing careers in the public sector, such as public office, foreign service, or civil service
- PHIL 111: Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHIL 307: Philosophy of Social Sciences
- PHIL 332: Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 334: Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 336: Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 415: American Philosophy
For students who are interested in understanding philosophy in a global context
- PHIL 283: Latin American Philosophy
- PHIL 352: Africana Philosophy
- PHIL 410: Classical Philosophy
- PHIL 415: American Philosophy
- PHIL 419: Current Continental Philosophy
- PHIL 464: Modern Jewish Philosophy