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Study Tips For The Upcoming Exam Season

Study Tips For The Upcoming Exam Season

By Tami Akerele

As the first wave exam season commences, stress and the general feeling of being overwhelmed, often lead to bad habits like procrastination and late-night cramming sessions. Settling into the semester often comes with other commitments, like organizations, events, and any attempts at a social life. Here are some study resources, advice, and tips to combat falling behind and to maintain balance in your life.




Academic Peer mentors: The Academic Peer mentors are students just like you that are here to help you succeed in college academically. They are here to help you at any phase in your Undergrad journey and can provide several resources and programs to help you. APMs provide academic coaching, peer panels, and many events to help you stay on track. They also have office hours in person at the campus community learning centers, at times stated on their websites. You can register for academic peer mentors on the residence life website.


The University Writing Center:  The University Writing Center has two on-campus locations: In Evans Library and the Business Library and Collaboration Commons in West Campus. Their Hours vary and are located on their website They conduct both Online and in-person appointments. The University Writing paper is useful for anything ranging from a quick one-paged creative writing piece to a thesis draft to a semester-long research paper. The University Writing Center also helps to assist Oral presentations. The University Writing Center is a great resource to have when you need someone to read over, give feedback and just double-check any school-related or personal projects.


Office Hours: Professors and teaching assistants provide office hours, and their times are listed on your syllabus. This is a great way to meet your professors, build relationships, and get career and professional advice. It is also encouraged to go to your teaching assistant’s office during hours, this is also a great way to listen to another undergrad or grad student in your major that has possibly gone through this class and has excelled academically.


Tutoring and Supplemental instruction sessions: Tutoring and SI sessions are such a great way to get a better understanding of any course topics, that you are having difficulty with. The Academic Success center has much more information concerning tutoring times and the available list of SI sessions and much more resources.


Study Spaces to try:

  • The student services building inside and outside
  • The pride center
  • Rudder tower
  • The second floor of Quadbucks
  • The Community Learning Centers
  • The ILCB


Time management tips

  • Google Calendar
  • Physical Planner
  • Excel or Word master list of all assignments and when they are due
  • Setting reminders on devices


Study Methods to try

  • Teaching a friend or taking turns teaching in a study group
  • Active recall: Testing yourself, Flashcards, create your own crosswords, Blurting methods
  • Cornell Notes
  • Pneumonic devices
  • Spaced repetition: Going over material after an hour, A day, three days, five days, a week, etc.


Remember to take care of yourself and that your grades do not define you. Always try your best, but make sure to remember to make time for your life outside of school.