March 28, 2023
“For a Just and Better World”: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands
The Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI) invites you to attend our upcoming book talk on Wednesday, March 22 at 12 PM CDT, featuring Dr. Sonia Hernandez, Associate Professor of History, from Texas A&M University. Dr. Hernandez research specializes in the intersections of gender and labor in the U.S.-Mexican Borderlands, Chicana/o history, and Modern Mexico. […]
Social Movement Contemporary Dance Theatre Presents: Movements New & Revised
Join us on Saturday, April 1 at 7PM in Rudder Auditorium for a live dance performance by the Social Movement Contemporary Dance (SMCD). The SMCD promotes social consciousness through creative arts and community engagement. Their original work, Movements: New & Revised, consists of three works, ‘In Syndication’, ‘The Culture’, and ‘We the People’. ‘In Syndication’ […]
February 9, 2023
Community Conversation with Dr. Nadia Y. Kim
The Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI) invites you to attend our upcoming event on Monday, February 27th at 12 PM CDT in Rudder Tower 404, featuring Dr. Nadia Y. Kim, Professor of Sociology and of Asian & Asian American Studies at Loyola Marymount University. Her research focuses on US race and citizenship inequalities regarding […]
February 3, 2023
“Behind the Shield” Panel Discussion
Please join us for a film screening and panel discussion on “Behind the Shield” on February 9th, 12 PM at Rudder Tower 313. You can register using the following link: https://tamu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0cwgRKOeiAsnkwu
January 31, 2023
Historicizing Black Women’s Intellectual Traditions in Cuba
The Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI) invites you to attend our upcoming colloquia on Wednesday, February 8 at 12 PM CDT in Rudder Tower 707, featuring Dr. Takkara Brunson. Associate Professor of History at Texas A&M University. Brunson’s research focuses on the political and cultural traditions of the African Diaspora, with emphasis on how […]
January 20, 2023
Reparations Reconsidered
The Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI) invites you to attend our upcoming colloquia on Thursday, February 23 at 2 PM CDT, featuring Dr. Rinaldo Walcott, Carl V. Granger Chair in African American Studies, from the University of Buffalo (SUNY). Dr. Walcott’s teaching and research are in the area of Black diaspora cultural studies and […]