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TAMU Sociologists Win Big ASA Awards for 2017


Faculty from the Sociology Department have won three major awards this year from the American Sociological Association (ASA). Former Department Head Jane Sell (right) won the Cooley-Mead Award for a Career of Distinguished Scholarship in Social Psychology. Jane Sell
Kazuko Suzuki Kazuko Suzuki (left) received the 2017 Distinguished Book Award from the Asian and Asian-American section of the ASA for her book Divided Fates: The State, Race, and Korean Immigrants’ Adaptation in Japan and the United States (Lexington Books, 2016).
Denis O’Hearn (right) received the Distinguished Book Award from the Political Economy of the World-system (PEWS) section of the ASA for his book (with Andrej Grubacic) Living at the Edges of Capitalism: Adventures in Exile and Mutual Aid (California University Press, 2016). O’Hearn previously received the PEWS Distinguished Book Award  for The Atlantic Economy: Britain, the US and Ireland (Manchester University Press). Denis O'Hearn