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Postdoc opportunity for FSRDC research

Please see this postdoctoral position announcement at Michigan State University and the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics: Details here:

Michigan State University and the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics seek a forthcoming or recent PhD as a (Postdoctoral) Research Associate to participate in applied microeconomics and regional economics research. Specifically, the postdoctoral research association will leverage longitudinal federal administrative data to document the relationship between historical discriminatory federal programs and present-day inequality of opportunity. Then we will conduct causal education policy analysis, examining the long-term and intergenerational effects on opportunity of education investments, where “opportunity” includes measures of labor market, migration, and health outcomes. The postdoctoral research associate will collaborate with a research team comprised of faculty researchers, educators, and Extension professionals from Michigan State University, Baylor University, Kentucky State University, University of Arkansas, and Trinity University on a research project conducted with the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) system.

In the FSRDC, the associate will work with the Social Security Numident dataset, Decennial Censuses, the Current Population Survey, and the American Community Survey (among potentially other datasets) to construct very large samples of millions of individuals. These databases facilitate longitudinal analysis. They will also potentially be merged with other public data. Following initial data management activities, the associate will execute the following activities:

  • Econometric model specification analysis and discussion in the FSRDC
  • Enhance the documentation of historical discriminatory policies, especially as they relate to rural redlining
  • Prepare and collaborate on numerous refereed journal articles including, but not limited to, the following broad topics:
    • Historical discriminatory policies, especially as they relate to rural redlining
    • The long-run causal effects of educational access on rural opportunity by race
    • The interactive effects of those discriminatory policies and educational access
    • Other related topics led by the postdoctoral researcher and their personal interests
  • Depending on the future career goals of the research associate, opportunities may exist to participate in additional educational/curricular development activities:
    • Produce economics, agricultural/applied economics, and sociology course modules with materials to teach the history of racial discrimination and racial disparities in rural America, as well as the legacy thereof (to be found in this project’s research)
  • Depending on the future career goals of the research associate, opportunities may exist to participate in additional Extension/outreach activities:
    • Hybrid (online and in-person) interdisciplinary speaker series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in rural America, including expert historians, educators, agricultural economists, economists, and sociologists, as well as Extension stakeholders
    • Produce modular internal and external Extension curricular materials on the history and long-run effects of rural discriminatory policies
  • May participate in proposals to obtain external funding

Apply here: