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Call for Papers:  Fourth Biennial IRS/Census Workshop on Income Measurement


Call for Papers

 Fourth Biennial IRS/Census Workshop on Income Measurement

April 25, 2025

In-Person Workshop Hosted by IRS and U.S. Census Bureau

Deadline for abstract submissions is February 3, 2025


It has become increasingly important in social science research within federal agencies to account for the mismeasurement of income, earnings, and related covariates due to errors in reporting and declines in survey response rates. Simultaneously, the increasing availability of administrative data has led to a proliferation of validation studies, as well as alternate methods of calculating family- and individual-level resources.

The purpose of this one-day in-person workshop is to highlight research related to income measurement. The workshop will focus on topics such as the inter-agency sharing of data, the methods for estimating aggregate income and income distributions, and best practices for comparing survey and administrative measures of income, earnings, and related individual and household attributes. The aim is to ensure that researchers are aware of advancements being made in these areas. The opportunity to share knowledge and assess one another’s work will hopefully generate ideas for future research and collaboration.

The one-day workshop will take place Friday, April 25, 2025, at the Census Bureau’s Conference Center in Suitland, Maryland (9:00am-4:00pm). While income and earnings are the main focus of the workshop, we encourage the submission of research on closely related topics, such as the measurement of inequality, poverty, analyses of tax filing behavior, or studies on the use of social support programs. Submission of research in progress is encouraged, but a draft of the paper should be ready for a session moderator by Friday, April 11, 2025.

Abstracts of no more than two pages should be submitted to either Charles Hokayem ( or Mark Payne ( by February 3, 2025.

Authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 3, 2025, and should expect to present their work in-person.

Questions about the workshop can be directed to Charles Hokayem or Mark Payne.