Sociology supports a diverse community of students and faculty working together to research and address real world social issues. Sociology provides an excellent background for students wishing to enter service based professions like social services, ministry, nursing, teaching law enforcement, law, marketing, human resources, journalism, government, business management and entrepreneurialism.

Sociology News

Daisy Santana

Daisy Santana successfully defended her Master's Thesis

Brothers in Grief book

Stephanie Smith and Jalia Joseph publish a book review at Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Zigashane defense

We have a new Doctor in the house - Dr. Eustache Zigashane defended his dissertation on conflict and development in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Liberal Arts Social Sciences Building (LASB)

Sociology at Texas A&M University

Students have been enrolling in sociology classes at Texas A&M University since the 1918-1919 school year. The Department of Sociology at Texas A&M University offers a quality undergraduate education, recognized as one of the nation’s leading programs in the field by the American Sociological Association. The department offers a broad-based curriculum with excellent opportunities for training in various areas of faculty expertise and research. Join us, and become a world-class sociologist!


Explore a wide range of social topics and issues in Sociology, Gender and Health, and LGBTQ Studies.

The Sociology Graduate Program is a generalist program that supports a wide array of research interests.

Investigate the experiences and contributions of Latino/as in the United States and abroad.

Critical analysis of gender and the pursuit of knowledge about women throughout history and around the world.


The laboratory conducts large-scale studies of the causes and consequences of drug abuse and other deviant adaptations to stress.

The TXRDC collaborates with the U.S. Census Bureau to expand basic scientific knowledge through the access of restricted data.

The REU program provides top undergraduates from around the country the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of knowledge.

Faculty and students in our department conduct research activities across several programs, institutes, and centers.

College News About Sociology

A person is looking at their reflection in a bathroom mirror, fixing their hair. They are wearing a blue top. The background features a simple, white tiled bathroom.

Two ArtSci professors discuss the critically-acclaimed film The Substance, the internal and external process of aging and the continued desire for a fountain of youth.

Logo for International Day of Persons with Disabilities, featuring a stylized person in a wheelchair, integrated with a globe, and the text "December 3rd" below.

December 3 marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities, dedicated to advancing the rights and well-being of individuals with unique needs. However, advocates like Christopher Mathey, a doctoral candidate at Texas A&M University, argue that real progress demands a daily commitment to inclusion.

Stop motion image of student traffic in the main hallway of the Memorial Student Center on the Texas A&M University campus

On National First-Generation Student Celebration Day, we honor the resilience and determination of two Ph.D. students in the College of Arts and Sciences — Tanisha Berrios Hernandez and G. Santee Riley — along with all first-generation Aggies at Texas A&M University.


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