Critical Race Theory: Reality or Myth?
Confronting Our Racism Group is hosting an event to address critical race theory and its effect on marginalized people in the past and present. Here’s why you don’t want to miss it.
Tiarra Drisker ‘25
Confronting Our Racism Group, a recently formed coalition, is hosting a forum titled “Critical Race Theory: Reality or Myth?” on Saturday, August 21, 2021 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Zoom. Two College of Liberal Arts faculty members, Troy Harden and Joe Feagin, will serve as keynote speakers to address the history of critical race theory (CRT) and how it has affected and still affects marginalized groups.
“I hope to simply share what CRT is really about, the problem that some seem to have with it, and how each time we appear to have serious and progressive movements toward equity in our country, there is a backlash from predominantly white groups towards people of color, impacting policies that support equity for all,” Harden, a professor in sociology and director of the Race and Ethnic Studies Institute, shared.
Harden describes CRT as a scholarly practice area that stems from critical legal studies. He explained that it interrogates the role of race and institutional racism initially in the legal academy and later in other fields of scholarship.
Feagin, a professor in sociology, emphasized that the event is important because of the number of people who are unsure of what CRT entails. Both Feagin and Harden say comprehending the full truth about history and how it has affected disenfranchised groups is key to equity as well as equality.
“Critical race theorists tend to be wedded to the truth of history, of events, and how they have impacted diverse groups, for the better or worse,” Harden explained. “An honest examination that includes the lens of those most marginalized allows for a fair and collectively accurate assessment of the past and reality. This can lead to a more inclusive and just society.”
Due to limited space, interested parties must RSVP.
“It will be a great opportunity to both learn and also connect and build with others,” Harden said. “And what better way to spend a hot Saturday afternoon than sitting somewhere cool and engaging in great conversation!”