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C. Wayne Smith

C Wayne Smith
Professor Emeritus
Areas of Speciality
  • Historical Archaeology
  • Artifact Conservation
  • Artifact Photography
  • Caribbean
  • Digital Imaging
Worked at TAMU from
1997 - 2015


Dr. Smith was an associate professor and director of the Archaeological Preservation Research Laboratory (APRL). He held the INA Faculty Fellowship. Working as a conservator, he specialized in the preservation of organic artifacts using silicone oils, resins, and other polymers. Archaeological Conservation Using Polymers, his most recent work published by Texas A&M University Press, discusses practical applications for the stabilization of organic artifacts. Since 1981, he has participated in survey and shipwreck assessment in the Great Lakes and participated as a student and research assistant in excavations at Port Royal, Jamaica. Working in conjunction with Donny L. Hamilton of Texas A&M University and Dow Corning Corporation of Midland, Michigan, he has developed and patented new conservation strategies and industrial applications. He also participates in numerous joint international research projects.