About Us
The Glasscock Center is dedicated to fostering and celebrating the humanities and humanities research among the community of scholars at Texas A&M University and in the world beyond the academy.
The Glasscock Center supports humanities scholars in a variety of ways, including residential fellowships, research fellowships, grants to co-sponsor events, funding for working groups, publication support, development of research initiatives, and other awards for independent and cross-disciplinary research in the humanities. Fellows and grant recipients foster the Center’s ongoing programs and growth through faculty and graduate colloquia, visiting scholar activities, and a variety of lectures. Annually, the Glasscock Center recognizes outstanding original, interdisciplinary humanities scholarship with an internationally recognized book prize, the Susanne M. Glasscock Book Prize, that is accompanied by a guest lecture from the recipient. Coordinated by the Glasscock Center, the Mary Jane and Carrol O. Buttrill ’38 Endowed Fund for Ethics supports activities and events for faculty and students on the investigation of ethical issues.
The Glasscock Center is a unit of the College of Arts & Sciences and is located on the third floor of the Glasscock Building on the Texas A&M University Campus.
The Board of Regents of Texas A&M University created the Center for Humanities Research in 1999, following over a decade of growth of the Interdisciplinary Group for Historical Literacy Studies. In 2002, Melbern G. Glasscock ’59 and Susanne M. Glasscock bestowed a naming endowment for the Center. Their extraordinary gift constitutes a sustaining endowment, which enables the Center to support high-caliber humanities research.