Our research impact is achieved through the Glasscock Center’s programs, grants, and two initiatives, Global Health Humanities and Humanities: Land Sea Space. Here, we showcase some of the ways this research employs the critical methods of the humanities and humanistic social sciences to engage with emerging topics and issues and develop advanced knowledge. We include metrics to show how our grant funding supports the research of faculty and students at the university, as well as case studies which demonstrate forms of impact on the university and wider community. The Glasscock Center is proud to serve as the humanities hub on campus, through which we provide diverse opportunities for research exchange and impact across many disciplines. Check out our Annual Reports to find out more about how we make a difference.
840Awards to faculty for humanities-related research
694Awards to graduate students for humanities-related research
180Awards to undergraduate students for humanities-related research
525Grants for co-sponsorship of public lectures, performances, symposia, conferences, etc. to contribute to the intellectual life and multicultural enrichment of the community
48Unique Working Groups, which are our essential incubators for transformative research, interdisciplinary collaboration, publications, & more
24Annual Susanne M. Glasscock Book Prizes for Interdisciplinary Scholarship