Local Museums & Galleries
- Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History
- Brazos Valley African American Museum
- Chappell Hill Historical Society
- The Children’s Museum of the Brazos Valley
- Friends of Camp Hearne
- Museum of the American G.I.
- SEAD Gallery
- Star Republic Museum
- Texas Cotton Gin
Community Organizations
- The Arts Council of Brazos Valley
- Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial
- Brazos Valley World Fest
- Brazos Writers
- Downtown Bryan Association
- Fiestas Patrias Mexicanas
- Pride Community Center
- Society of Children’s Books Writers & Illustrators
Public Humanities Centers and Initiatives
- Bringing Theory to Practice
- Brown University’s John Nicholas Brown Center for the Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage
- CHCI’s Public Humanities Network
- Columbia University’s The Heyman Center Public Humanities Initiative
- The Council of Independent Colleges Public Humanities Initiative
- Gonzaga University’s Center for Public Humanities
- Imagining America
- National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Public Programs
- The National Council of Public History
- NYU’s Public Humanities Initiative
- North Eastern Public Humanities
- Northwestern Universities NU Chicago Humanities Initiative
- Oakland University Center for Public Humanities
- Rice University Humanities Research Center: Public Humanities Initiative
- Tisch College Program for Public Humanities
- UC Santa Barbara Interdisciplinary Humanities Center Public Humanities Initiative
- University of Florida Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere
- University of Illinois Chicago’s Institute for the Humanities Engaged Humanities Initiative
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County Public Humanities in the CAHSS
- University of Virginia’s Public Humanities Lab
- University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Center for the Humanities Public Humanities Initiative
- Whiting Public Engagement Programs
- Williams University Center for Learning in Action: Public Humanities Initiative
- Yale University’s Public Humanities
- American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2019), The Humanities in American Life: A Survey of the Public’s Attitudes and Engagement
- Bate, J. (2011), The Public Value of the Humanities
- Bradley, E. H. (2018), The Practical Humanities
- Chen, A. (2016), A Very Public Intellectual
- Draxler, B. & Spratt, D. (1984), Engaging the Age of Jane Austen: Public Humanities in Practice
- Griffin, F. J. (2014), Public Humanities: Crisis and Possibility
- Looser, D. (2017), The Making of a Public Intellectual
- Looser, D. (2019), The Hows and Whys of Public Humanities
- McCumber, J. (2016), How the Humanities Can Help Fix the World
- National Endowment for the Humanities, 56 Ways to do the Public Humanities
- Rice, C. (2014), 9 Reasons Why Humanities Matter
- Schroeder, R. (2017), What is Public Humanities?
- Small, H. (2013), The Value of the Humanities
- Spratt, D. & Draxler, B. (2019), Pride and Presentism: On the Necessity of the Public Humanities for Literary Historians
- Strauss, V. (2017), Why we Still Need to Study the Humanities in a STEM World
- Wickman, M. (2016), What are the Public Humanities? No, Really, What are They?
- Woodward, K. (2009), The Future of the Humanities – In the Present & in the Public
- Brown University’s Native American and Indigenous Studies Public Humanity Fellowship
- Diversity & Democracy’s special issue: Publicly Engaged Scholarship and Teaching
- The Latinx Project’s Public Humanities Fellowship
- LGBTQ History Digital Collaboratory
- University of Delaware African American Public Humanities Initiative
Databases, Journals, and Other Resources
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ Humanities Indicator
- Beyond Academe
- H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine: H-Public Network
- Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
- National Humanities Alliance Foundation’s Engaged Humanities Story Map
- National Humanities Alliance Foundation’s Humanities for All Initiative
- Profession’s special issue: Public Humanities
- The Public Historian Journal
- Transformation of the Public Sphere’s Essay Archive: Universities & the Public Sphere