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Colloquium Series


The Race & Ethnic Studies Institute is dedicated to hosting faculty colloquia featuring experts across diverse disciplines in the College of Arts & Sciences and across Texas A&M University. These presentations offer an interdisciplinary look at race and ethnic studies research. Our colloquia showcase works-in-progress, recently published books or other research on the cutting edge of the field. These talks serve as an opportunity for faculty, students, staff, and community members to engage in conversation about a variety of issues. Each of RESI’s colloquia traditionally begins with an introduction of the presenter, followed by the guest speakers' exposition of their work or project. Then, attendees can expect to participate in an informal exchange of ideas with the presenter. In most cases, food and beverages will be provided. 

Upcoming Faculty Colloquia

On average, we will host two colloquia per semester. We will also co-sponsor additional guest speakers who are presenting their research. Be sure to follow our events calendar at

Past Faculty Colloquia

Fall 2023

Title: On the Limits of Intersectionality and Black (Male) Feminism

Amir Jaima, Assistant Professor in Philosophy


Title: State Systems and the Advancement of Servingness at Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Ishara Casellas Connors, Assistant Professor in The Bush School of Government & Public Service

Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, Associate Professor in Communication & Journalism