Funding Opportunities
U.S. Census Bureau Full-Time/Summer Internship Opportunities
The U.S. Census Bureau has full-time and summer internship opportunities for qualified U.S. citizens in the areas of geography, demography, sociology, economics, and related social sciences. They are looking for candidates at all levels of education (BA, MA, PhD). Training in demographic analysis, survey research, geographic information systems, and/or quantitative data analysis of large datasets is preferred. These openings offer applicants the opportunity to work on one or more of the following topics: population distribution; population estimates and projections; housing; income; disability; health insurance coverage; education; and migration.
For information on opportunities, job descriptions, and the application process, please refer to our Human Resources Division by selecting “Jobs@Census” on the Census website. Applicants are encouraged to apply for employment opportunities at
The Department of Commerce and the U.S. Census Bureau are Equal Opportunity Employers and encourage applicants from all sources.
Center for Enterprise Dissemination Dissertation Mentorship Program
The CED Dissertation Mentorship Program assists doctoral candidates who are actively engaged in dissertation research in economics or a related field using Census Bureau microdata at a Research Data Center by assigning a CED mentor and funding a visit to CED.
ASA NSF Census Bureau Fellowship Program
This program allows senior statisticians, social scientists, computer scientists, geographers and others to come to the U.S. Census Bureau as Research Fellows to use Census Bureau data sets and interact with Census Bureau staff. Some of the access to data may be supplemented by use of the Census Bureau Research Data Centers.