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Past and Current RDC Projects

The number and range of research projects being conducted in RDCs is increasing rapidly. To get an idea of the scope of research produced at RDCs across the country, the Census Bureau has compiled and made available metadata on active and completed projects. This metadata, linked below, contains information about researchers and the RDC location where the research was conducted, as well as information about the projects, including project titles, abstracts, start dates, and the datasets requested in project proposals. Note that this metadata is limited to projects which draw solely from Census Bureau datasets.

Follow the link below to visit the Census Bureau’s projects page:

Census Bureau Projects Metadata


Additionally, the Center for Enterprise Dissemination (CED) assembles summary reports on projects that are helpful for gaining a better appreciation of the kinds of questions being investigated, the data sets being used, and the researchers who are drawing on RDC facilities.

The CED summary reports can be found at the following link.

CED Annual Reports