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Virtual Workshop (Free): “Getting Started with Scalar” (02/23/24)

The Scholars Lab at the University of Texas at Austin Libraries is hosting a Digital Humanities Workshop Series for Spring 2024. The next virtual workshop in the series is “Getting Started with Scalar”. Scalar is a free, open-source publishing platform designed for long-form, born-digital, and media-rich digital scholarship. This workshop, led by Miriyam E. Judd, will give an overview of Scalar and discuss what differentiates it from other content management systems, before demonstrating how to build your Scalar site. The virtual workshop is scheduled for February 23, 2024 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CT. The workshop is free to attend, however registration is required.

The virtual workshop is scheduled for Friday, February 23, 2024 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CT.

Learn more at

Workshop Schedule and Registration Link:

The workshop is free to attend, however registration is required.

Please direct all inquiries to Karina Sánchez at