Now Available! Justice Outcomes Explorer (JOE) Tool from CJARS
The CJARS team has been working for the past eight years to improve research and statistical reporting on the U.S. criminal justice system. Today, we are announcing the launch of our newest product in this effort, the Justice Outcomes Explorer (JOE)!
JOE is a publicly available data dashboard that provides a fresh glimpse into how the criminal justice system touches the lives of millions of Americans every year. A wide range of statistics are covered, including:
- Criminal justice caseloads – per capita rates of various populations (felony and misdemeanor charges, inmates, probationers, parolees), conviction rates, case processing information
- Recidivism outcomes – new felony and misdemeanor charges, incarceration reentry
- Economic outcomes – employment, earnings, HUD benefit take-up
- Health outcomes – SSI receipt, Medicaid and Medicare take-up, mortality
Statistics can be broken down further by geography, time period, demographic characteristics, criminal history, and offense type.
We also have some great resources to learn more about JOE. The links below will take you to an instructional video we made, or to the registration page for an informational webinar we will be holding on June 5th at 3 PM ET, which will include live Q&A moderated by The Marshall Project.