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  • Academic Year 2024-25

    This year marks the Glasscock Center’s 23rd year of seeding and facilitating humanities research at Texas A&M, and it promises to be a particularly exciting one.

  • Spring 2024

    After a freezing cold start to the semester, things are starting to warm up on campus and in the Glasscock Center.

  • Fall 2023

    As we embark on the Glasscock Center’s 22nd year, I want to draw your attention to some of our upcoming events and share a few announcements.

  • Spring 2023

    This academic year is proving to be another busy one for the Glasscock Center.

  • Fall 2022

    Arriving at Texas A&M in 2003 as an assistant professor in the Department of History, I benefited enormously from the Glasscock Center both as a generous source of grants and, more important, as an intellectual home.

  • Spring 2022

    The Glasscock Center has been hosting and supporting a range of research activities this semester, and I’d like to update everyone on our news and upcoming events.

  • Fall 2021

    The Fall semester is underway, and at the Glasscock Center we have been continuing the vital work of supporting faculty and student humanities research through our grant opportunities, weekly colloquia series for our Glasscock Fellows, Undergraduate Summer Scholars program, working groups, and Global Health Humanities and Humanities: Land Sea Space initiatives.

  • Spring 2021

    On behalf of the Glasscock Center team, I would like to send along our concern and well wishes to all affected by the awful winter storm in Texas last week and subsequent power outages and water problems. We hope that everyone is staying safe.

  • Fall 2020

    As we begin this new semester, I hope that this message finds you all well. During these difficult times, the work of humanities centers is more important than ever.

  • April 2020

    The Glasscock Center team extends their concern and support to everyone affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you are well and safe.