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Buttrill Ethics Grant Application

With the goal of fostering discussion in a field of inquiry he valued, Carrol O. Buttrill ’38 established a fund through which the Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research promotes on-going investigations into ethical questions of significance to the Texas A&M community. The Carrol O. Buttrill ’38 Endowed Fund for Ethics supports annual lectures, roundtables, special events, and course activities.

The Buttrill Ethics Grant, introduced in 2007-2008, has now become an annual award to faculty for ethics-related development in research and teaching.

Spring 2023 deadlines are forthcoming.

ABOUT: The Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research is now accepting proposals to support interactions between faculty and students focused on investigations of ethical issues or ethics in general. Efforts may be channeled through teaching, free-standing seminars, panel discussions, symposia, workshops, visiting speakers, or other events. Any activity or event must directly address and wrestle with ethical questions – past or present – pertinent to contemporary societies, cultures, and individuals. Perspectives from any discipline or method are welcome, including the study of texts, histories, philosophies, religious traditions, cultures, aesthetic movements, current events, and theories. We also encourage applications which connect with diverse communities through publicly engaged scholarship.

Up to two awards in the amount of $1500 each will be made annually to underwrite reimbursable expenses in support of teaching or research (speaker fees, cost of course materials, field-trip expenses, refreshments for meetings, rental of space or equipment for presentations, other research related expenses, and the like).

Upon completion of activities, grantees must provide a report to the Glasscock Center on the success of their event(s) or activities.

We ask that applicants for all Glasscock Center grants read our Climate and Inclusion Statement here

This grant is made possible by the Mary Jane and Carrol O. Buttrill ’38 Endowed Fund for Ethics.

ELIGIBILITY: All faculty at Texas A&M University are invited to apply.

APPLICATION: Applicants for this grant must provide a description of how the activities will foster interaction between faculty and students, a description of topics and issues to be investigated and their significance for undergraduates, and a budget showing how the $1500 award will be used. Applicants are requested to consult with the Glasscock Center about their applications prior to submission.

ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: In addition to your application, please send the following as email attachments to

  • An event plan (including details of speakers, dates and locations of events)
  • A short (2-page) c.v. of each faculty member and/or visiting speaker involved in the event(s)

Applications will be considered incomplete until all information has been received, at which time an email confirming receipt will be sent to you.

To be announced.

We recommend answering application questions in a Word document and saving it for your records before pasting it into our form for submission.