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Dissertation Defended, Dr. Wan Huang

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Wan Huang! She defended her dissertation on October 11th, 2023. Dr. Huang’s dissertation is titled “A bond that transcends presence: Temporary reunion of migrant parents and ‘left-behind’ children in China.”

Grounded in the literature on circular migration and social remittances, my dissertation project explores the dynamics of circular migration involving left-behind children visiting their migrant parents in the city and its impact on these children.  A primary focus is directed towards examining the attitudes of these children towards their parents’ migration. By collecting first-hand data in the inland of China and conducting quantitative analysis, the study highlights that children’s acceptance and understanding of parents’ migration significantly influence their assimilation into the city, as well as shape their behaviors and educational outcomes. It also discerns the distinct roles played by such attitudes in the process for children who have visited their parents compared to those who have not.

Dr. Huang will be joining the School of Social and Public Administration at East China University of Science and Technology at the beginning of 2024 as a tenure-track assistant professor. It is a public research university located in Shanghai and they have strong sociology and social work. If you ever have the opportunity to travel, she would be delighted to welcome you for a visit.

Dr. Holly Foster (chair), Dr. Ernesto Amaral, Dr. Sarah Gatson, Dr. Ren Mu (Bush School), and Dr. Heili Pals served on Dr. Huang’s committee.