Will of Abraham Ooischot 1683
Vol. 4. Fol. 74-75
Abraham Ooischot (Oorschott), Port Royal Cabinet Maker (see also his probate inventory)
Entered March 22, 1683
In the name of God amen ye 2d day of December in ye Yeare of Our Lord God 1683, I Abraham Ooischot of Port Royall in ye Island aforesaid Cabinett Maker __________________________________________________________ [line cut off] and Testament in manner and form following revoaking adnulling by these presents all & every Testament & Testaments Will & Wills heretofore by one made & declared either by word or writeing & this is to be taken only for my last Will & Testament & none other and first being penitent & sorry from ye bottom of my heart for any Sins past most humbly & giving forgiveness for ye same, I give commit my soul unto Almighty God my Saviour & Redeemer in Whom & by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust & believe assuredly to be saved and to have full remission & forgiveness of all my Sins and that my Soul with my body at ye generall day of resurrection shall rise again with Joy and through ye merits of Christ death & passion prossesed & inherit ye kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect and chosen, and my body to be buried in Such place & insuch manner as my Executors hereafter named shall think fit and now for ye setting of my temporall estate & such goods Chattles & debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me, I doe order give & dispose ye same in manner & form following (that is to say) first I will that those debts & duties as I give owe in right or conscience to any manner of Person or persons wt soever shall be well & truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my Executors hereafter named, Imprimis I give & bequeath unto John Martin my late apprentice all my working tools yt I now have or that I may have at ye time of my decease belonging to ye art or mistery of a Cabinett Maker. Item I also give & bequeath unto my Well beloved Friend Tho. Price of Port Royall in ye island aforesaid ye sum of Tenn pounds Currant Money of this island to be paid unto him within One month after my decease & asfor ye rest & residue of all my goods Chattles & debts remaining unbequeathed I give & bequeath unto my loving kinsman James Ooischott of Port Royal Taylor Whome I make & ordain my full & sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament.
In Witness whereof I yesd Abraham Ooischott have hereunto sett my hand & seale ye day & Year first above written
Abraham Ooischot
Signed Seald published and declared in ye presence of John Summers Tho Pococke Edward Haynes
March 22th 1683 appeared before me John Summers Tho Pococke & Edward L. Haynes & made Oath yt they were present & saw ye above Testator Abraham Ooischott signe seale publish & declare ye above Written to be his last Will & Testament
Tho Lynch