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Will of Robert Phillips 1683

Vol. 4. Fol. 5
Robert Phillips, Port Royal Sailmaker
Entered September 11, 1683

In ye name of God amen I Robert Phillips of Port Royall in this Island Sayle Maker although weake in body yett of pfct and sound mind and Memory praised be almighty God therefore, calling to mind ye certainty of death and ye uncertainty of the time thereof doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner following That is to say first I comend my sole to almighty God and my body to a decent buriall at ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter ___ named in expectation of a Joyfull resurrection through the meritts of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to whom with the holy spirit be all honor and Glory for Ever Amen also I will that all such debts as I shall happen to owe at the time of my decease be well and truely paid and Satisfyed out of what debts shall be due ___ to me and ye profitts of such of my reall Estate which I have not otherwise appoynted and likewise for the more speedy payment of ye same I doe hereby advise ____ and impower my loveing Wife Elizabeth Phillips and my Executors hereafter named or the survivors of them at any time during ye minority of my sone Thomas Phillips to sell two parcells of my Land ye One parcell at St Georges containing about ____ Two hundred acres of and ye other at Wagwater ____ containing about three hundred acres and whereas I have rented a penn of Cattle at Liguania _____ which Cattle is to be ____ made good at the determined of my Lease I doe will that the same be made good according to my Covenant out of my Stock before any devision be made betweene my Wife and Sonne to whom I bequath ye rest of my psonall Estate above I give ___ moyety or half part of the rest and residue of my psonall Estate (my negroes only ____ excepted) unto my loving Wife Elizabeth Phillips and to her assigns for Ever The moyety or half part of my psonall Estate I give unto my loving sonne Thomas Phillips and his assignes for Ever also I give unto my said loving Wife ye house or Tennement _________________________________________________________________ [line possibly cut off at bottom of this page and definitely at top of next page]


_____ One moyety or half part of all the rest and residue of my Lands and Tenements (except One messusage att Port Royall and Wharfe there now or late in the posession of John White to have and to hold ye said moyety of my Lands aforesaid unto my said Wife and her assignes during her naturall life also I will that my said Wife shall have and injoy my foune ____ house negroes following vizt. Cato, Diana, Margarett, and Attica and alsoe one Moyety or half of all my other negroes and increase of ye same for and during her natural Life ye other moyety of all my lands Tenements and Negroes ye said Messuage and Wharfe on Port Royall now or late in the posession of John White and all other my mesuages Lands Tenements and Negroes and the remainder and remaindies of the same and every of them and all my right estate and interest then I give and bequeath unto my beloved Sone Thomas Phillips and the heires of his body lawfully to be begotten the remainder thereof unto the eldest Sone (which shall then be liveing) of my brother William Phillips and to the heirs of the body of such eldest Sone lawfully to be begotten the remainder of my said estate therein to the eldest Sone then liveing of my brother. Thomas Phillips and ye heirs of ye body of ye same eldest Sone lawfully to be begotten ye remainder thereof unto the eldest Sone liveing at the time of such disent of my brother John Phillips and ye heires of the body of ye same eldest Sone lawfully to be begotten the remainder thereof to my right heirs for Ever, and I doe ordaine and appoynt my said loveing Wife dureing her Widdowhood my Sone Thomas Phillips my loveing Friends Capt Peter Beckford Capt Thomas Hudson Anthony Stoddard and William Pulford Merchants Exceutors of this my Last Will and Testament and I doe ordaine and appoint my said loveing Wife to have the managiment of all my estate dureing her Widdowhood and the gardian Shipp of my said Sone dureing ye minority of my said Son if they continue both unmarried but if my said Wife or Sone shall happen to marry dureing his minority then I doe desire my said loveing Friends Capt Peter Beckford Capt Thomas Hudson, Anthony Stoddard and Wm Pilford to have ye managemt of the Estate of my said Sone and the guardian Shipp and Tuition of him unto he shall attaine to the age of Twenty One Yeares and if they shall think fitt divisions thereof to make according to the requests aforesaid and I will that the produce and profitt of all my reall estate (except the house wherein I now live dureing the time my said Wife shall live in it) doe goe toward payment of my debts untill ye same be fully satisfied and if it shall happen that my said Sone Thomas Phillips doe dye before he shall attaine to his age of Twenty One Yeares that then my Wife shall enjoy the said mesuages and Wharfe on Port Royall in the occupacon of John White or his assigns during the terme of her naturall life and I likewise will that as soone as my debts shall be fully paid that the rents and profitts of the said Mesuage and Wharfe at Port Royall be paid as ye same shall grow due to my said Sone Thomas Phillips and to be at his owne disposall and I doe ordaine and appoint that the bequest and legacies soe given to my said Wife shall be in full satisfacon of her dower and that if she shall refuse to receive the same in satisfacon thereof and to release her dower then my said Wife shall have noe benefit or advantage of this my last Will and I doe desire my said loving Friends Capt Peter Beckford, Capt Thomas Hudson, Anthony Stoddard and William Pulford to be assistant to my said Wife in the management of my said Estate dureing her Widdowhood and I give unto each of them a Ring of the vallue of Forty Shillings Sterling and all and every former Will or Wills at any time heretofore by one made ____ I doe hereby revoake disanull and make void In testimony whereof and in confirmation ____ of my Last Will and Testament I have to this my last Will sett my hand and Seal the Nineteenth day of August in the thirty Fifth year of the reign of Our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of Endland Scotland France and Ireland and of Jamaica Lord Defender of the Faith, Ye Anno qo Dme 1688.
Robert Phillips Esq

Signed Sealed published and declared by ye above named Robt Phillips to be his Last Will and Testament the day and Yeare last menconed the words (one sundry ____ and _____ ye tenth line (Thomas) over the right line (dureing her widdowhood) over the 26th J ( ____ over the 34th lines) being first interlind in the presense of

Joshua Feacke
Samuell Foxley
Benja: Pym
Thomas Barrow

September the 4th 1683 a dedimus was directed to Reginald Wilson Esq to admster.Oath to Joshua Feake Samuell Floxey Benjamin Pym & Thomas Barrow the Witnesses ____ to the said Will who on the 11th day of Septimber following returned that by Virtue thereof he had examined the said psons who severally deposed that they saw the said Robert Phillips sign seale & publish the said Will as his last Will & Testament
Ext–r -.-.-. & T.B.A.