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Will of George Diggins 1689

Vol. 6. Fol. 63
George Diggins, Port Royal Carpenter (see also his probate inventory)
Entered November 14, 1689

In the name of God Amen this first day of August And in the first year of their Majties Reign over England & I George Diggins of Port Royal in the said Island of Jamaica Carpenter being sick & weake in body but of sound & perfect mind & memory, Praise be given to Almighty God for the same and knowing ye uncertainly of the same & transitory life do make this my last will & testament in manner following, revoking ancillary And by these prints making void all wills testaments and bequeaths made by me at any time heretofore by me made or Executed either in writing or otherwise & this is to be taken only as my last will And first being, penitent & sorry from my heart for my sins past most humbly desiring pardon & forgiveness for the same I give & committ my soul to AlmightyGod my Savior & Redeemer in which & by the meritts of his Sonn Christ Jesus I trust & believe assuredly to be sacred and to their forgiveness of all my sinns & that my Soul in my body to arise at the general day of resurrection & through Christ death & Passion to inheritt the glorious kingdom prepared for his that my body I committ to the earth from whence it came to be buried at the discretion of my wife & Brother William hereafter named And for the settling of my temporall Estate & such goods chattells & debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow upon me I do undergive and despose of the same as followeth First I will tender that all my debts of funerall charges be first payd & discharged by my Execatrix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath to my dearest loving wife Margaret Diggins as well for her support and living as for the maintenance Education bringing up & putting forth all & every my children by name/Sarah Jane George & William Diggins as also for their further fortunes at these seminal (?) Ages of one & twenty years all that piece in parcell of ground given unto me and my heirs further by deed of gift from my Grand mother Margarett Cuny abutting Southwesterly on Yorke Streete conteyning one &seventy feete and Southerly on an ally sixty one feete with all Edifices & buildings there on erected/ inservice (?) erected by me together with all wages, packages and Cookroomes there in also Erected Provided & it is the said deed of gift excepted that during the natural life of my said Grandmother Margaret Cuny that the new brick house in which she lived in/ in doth we live/ fronting Tower Streete & the boarded house there next adjoining fronting Yorke Streete then in the lease of Annpound (?) / ____ pulled

[missing line]

house by the same agreement I build her another roome on the backpart to be to ye only use of my said Grandmother during her naturall life as afore as by the deed of gift of my said Grandmother dated the one and twentieth day of November & in the four & twentieth yeare of the Reign of King Charles the second appraiseth Item I further give and bequeath unto my said wife to & for the uses & purposes aforesaid all other said Estate both reall & personall goods chattels wares & utterances wt soever or which of right belongeth to me either in the Island of Jamaica or elsewhere Provided and my will & meaning is yt of my said wife should happen to marry that then all & every my Estate except her third shall be given & despersed to and among my said children then living, share & share like to be putt & improved by my trusty here after named till they shall attaine to the age or ages of one & twenty years And if my said wife should happen to dye before then all & every my Estate reall and personall as aforesaid my will in shall be despersed to the use of my said children then living & given to them at their said Ages of one and twenty years And till they shall attaine such Ages to be putt/ by the said trustee/ out for their m__ty ____ & use and to no other Item I doe will & make my said loving wife Margarett Sole execatx of this my last will & testament and my loving Brother William Diggins Supervisor to be aiding & Assisting my said wife in ye due performance of this will & seeing my children berought up In Witness whence of I have to this my last will & testament sett my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written And this I assurest as my last will and say further will before this sealing hereof yt not withstanding dis__cored in this my will share yet all my children shall receive their shares of my Estate at their Ages of one & twenty years It is my will and meaning ye my two daughters have paid their shares by my Exectx at the day of their marriages or Ages as above which shall first happen There signed and sealed by ye day & yeare above in the presence of his

George GD Diggins

Signed sealed published & declared to be the last will & testament of ye testator in ye presence of/ syned wth this Councle Annext (?)

John R Redmond
Jacob S Sprouse
Wm Priggs

Mener and this fourteenth day of November Anno dom 1689 personally appeared before me John Redmond and William Priggs & made Oath that they were present & did wit. George Diggins sign seale publish & declare this writing to be his last will & testament and that he was of sound minde & me- mory and that they saw above Sprouse saw (?) as witness to the same

F Watson