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Will of John Waller 1675

Vol. 1. Fol. 141
John Waller, Port Royal Tanner (see also his probate inventory)
Entered April 29, 1675

In ye name of God Amen I John Walter of Port Royall in ye Island of Jamaica Tanner being very sick and weake in body but of perfecte mind and memory praise be to God therefore doe make this my last Will and Testament as followeth (that is to say) principally I comitt My soule to God hopeing through the merritts of Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon for my sinnes And my body I comit to ye Earth to be decently buryed att ye discrecon of my wife, and as touching the disposeing of my Temporall estate I give as followeth (vizt) Its my last will and Testament that all my Debts and funerall Charges be first paid and discharged, Item I give and bequeath to my loveing wife Mary Walter all my psonall estate whether in monyes goods or other things howsoever And as for my reall Estate (that is to say) in Lands and Tenements that my wife enjoy the same untill my Children William and Aletia attayne the full age (the Boy twenty one yeares) and the girle fourteene but if one dye before the Age then the Survivor to enjoye all, and if both dye then to fall to my wife and her heires forever. Item I give and bequeath unto William Wilkinson the foreman of my Shopp tenne pounds Ster provided hee will after my decease live and keep my Shopp for my wife one whole yeare and Acte and doe for her as hee did for mee, besides his wages which my wife is to allowe him after ye rate I gave him And for ye pfecte executing of this my last Will & Testament I doe appoint and nominate Garrett Lynderson and Thomas Bereman both of Port Royall aforesaid to bee Guardians to my Children & Execrs in Trust of this my last Will and Testament And for their trouble paynes & care therein I give & bequeath to each of them a mourning Ring And I doe hereby revoake and make void all former Wills and Testaments by mee heertofore made In Witness whereof I have heerunto putt my hand & seale this nynteenth of Aprill 1675.

John Walter

Sealed and deluded in ye prsence of Robert Hardson Wm Tubbs

Memorand that on ye 29th day of Aprill Anno Dom 1675 Wm Tubbs gent. came before me and Oath that hee was prsent & did see John Walter (being of sound and perfecte memors) signe seale & deliver the within written Will & publish & declare it to bee his last Will & Testament

Enr 29th of Aprill 1675
Ent FH & RC