Will of Dorothy Richardson 1687
Vol. 5. Fol. 174-176
Dorothy Richardson, Port Royal Widow (see also her probate inventory)
Entered October 22, 1687
In the name of God Amen I Dorothy Richardson of Port Royal in the island aforesaid widow and _______ of John Richardson late of the same place being sick and weak of body yet through Gods infinite mercy of good and perfect memory due make appoint and ordain this present instrument of writing to be my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say _______ I commend my soul into the hands of almighty god my maker hoping assuredly through the only merits of jesus christ my savior and redeemer to be made partaker of life eternal among ______ blessed my body I commit to the earth to be decently intered therein after a christain manner without much expense or charge As for the small worldly estate or interest which almighty god hath here endowed me with (after to due discharge of my charge of sickness funeral expense and just debts which I ______ owe are duely discharged and satisfied I do give and bequeath vizt.) I do give grant and bequeath unto Anthony Stoddard the son of Anthony Stoddard and Robert Howard the son of Robert Howard also of Port Royal aforsaid their said sons being by two god (sons) children all in singular my estate and interest (real and personal) within this island of Jamaica wheather the same be in lands testament hereditaments, goods chattles moneys plate houshold goods utensils rights debts credits or whatsoever else which I shall dipossest or have any other due rights or claim unto my will here in absolutely is that a full true just and equal dividend of the whole whatsoever it be shall be made allowed and divided between the said anthony stoddard and robert howard my said god children by the judgement of two fit persons in differently to be choosen by their father for that purpose and by will futher is the same in such equal manner divided or allowed as aforesaid shall decend unto the said anthony stoddard and robert howard jrs and to their heirs and asigns (severally) forever Finally I the said testator Dorothy Richardson widow and relict as aforesaid do hereby absolutely revoke and disannul all and all manner of former wills or will by one at any time heretofor made and I do hereby further appoint name and declare Mr Anthony Stoddard and Robert Howard seniors of Port Royal aforesaid jointly and severally to be my executors in trust and to see this my last will and testament performed as much as in either of them lyeth. In testimony where I the said Dorothy Richardson have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of October Anno Dom r. regs. Domini norry Jacobs Secauso and with Anno Dom 1687
Dorothy Richarson
Signed sealed published delivered and declared as the last will and testament of Dorothy Richardson in the presence of us
John Wood
Peter Norman
Edward Dendy
By virtue of the power to me given by the dedimus hereunto annexed I have administered an oath unto John Wod Peter Norman and Edward Dendy witnesses to this will who declared upon their said oath that they were present and saw Dorothy Richardson seal and deliver the same as her last acting deed and published and declared the same to be her last will and testament and they also declared she was of sound and perfect memory and at the same time given under my hand and seal the 22th day of October 1687
John White
Extur phc and tbn