Will of Eleanor Brown 1688/9
Vol. 6. Fol. 25
Eleanor Brown, Port Royal Widow (see also her probate inventory)
Entered January 19, 1688/9
In the name of God Amen I Eleanor Brown of Port Royal Widow being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my present last will and testament in manner and form following: first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the ____ Death and passion of my Savior Jesus Christ taken full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and whom everlasting life and my body I commite to the earth to be decently buryed at the direction of my executor whereafter named And as ____ the disposition of all such temporall estate as it has pleased almighty god to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as followeth: First I will that all my debts and funeral charges shall be duely paid and discharged which being paid and discharged I give my estate in manner as following (vizt) item I give unto my three godchildren Samuel B____ Eleanor Welkinson and Elzabeth Calloway and their heirs forever all their shares equal alike of my messuage lands and tennents with them, appertences belonging to me and situated in the parish of Port Royal in the ______ without ______ Them to fate to the aformentioned childrens parents shares equally alike and if any of my three godchildren aforementioned dye before marriaged to be shared equally alike amongst the living and the longest lives of my three godchildren to have all item I give unto katherine hay wife of John Hay of Port Royal my great chest of drawers with brass rings item I give unto Hanna Caliway the wife of Michaell Caliway of Port Royal my great spanish chest and creepers (?) item I give unto Mehitabell Tucker wife of John Tucker of Port Roy al my bestead feather bed bolster pillows curtains and all appertances belonging to my bed and one small cedar chest and creepers (?) thereunto belonging item in other particulars to be given away from my godchildren, but what before specified item I give unto my negrowoman catalina her freedom immediately after my decease item I desire that my body if I die here at port royal to be buryed decently and lay_____ as well as near to my father and mother as may convienently be item I give my negrowoman Sacia to my executor to _____ pay themselves in part towards my funeral charges item I do hereby ordain constitute and appoint my loving friend William Brock Wherryman and John Hay Gent both of Port Royal all sole executors of this my last will and testament earnestly desiring them both to see ________ and they to pay themselves five pounds a piece And the said estate remains within exucutors hands until the children come to the age of one and twenty years and before if they should marry And I do last of all here by revoke disanull and make voyde all former wills and testaments by me heretofore made in _____ whereof I the said Eleanor Brown to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this nineth day of december the fourth year of the reign of our Soverayne Lord King James the second _____ 1688
Eleanor E Brown
Sealed and delivered
And published in the presence of
Isaack Bervert
Tho. Piarrionse
Law. Anderton
_________ And this 19th day of Jan 1688/9 personally appeared before me Isaack Bervert and Law. Anderton made oath they were present and did see Elaenor Brown sign seal publish and declare this to be her last will and testament being then of sound mind and memory as also that they saw thomas piarrionse present as a witness to the same
Fra Watson
Extur G.T.H.F.wt