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Will of John Lewis 1706

Will, Volume 11, Folio 53, Jamaica Archive



Enrolled 1706

Jamaica Is.

In the Name of God Amen I John Lewis of the Parish of Port Royall in the Island of Jamaica Esq. being in perfect health and of sound Mind + Memory doe constitute + make this my last Will and Testament in manner following I Recommend my Soul unto the hands of God my Creator relying wholly on the Merrit and Mediation of Jesus Christ for the remission of my Sins + my Body to a decent Christian Buriall

As to making the disposition of all the Worldly Estate where with God in mercy hath blest one I Give and bequeath ye same as followeth my Will is that all my Just Debts which I shall happen to owe to any Person or Persons at the time of my Decease be directly paid + satisfied by my Executrix hereafter named.

I Give + bequeath to my Sister Eliza Somis now or late the Wife of Doctor Joseph Somis of the Island of Barbados ye sum of Ten pounds Current Money of this Island to be paid to her within Twelve Months after my decease.

I Give + bequath to Samuell Smith Elizabeth Smith and Margarett Smith the Children of my said Sister Elizabeth Somis above mentioned the sume of Thirty pounds Current money of this Island (Vizt) Tenn Pounds Currt Money to each of them to be ha to them respectively as they shall attain to their severall ages of Sixteen Years But in case any or either of them should happen to depart this life before he she or they shall have attained to his her or their age of Sixteen Years then in such Case my Will is that the Device + Devices bequest + bequests to the party or parties so dying before his her or their age or ages of Sixteen Years shall be Utterly voyd.

I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Lewis the sums of Two Thousand Pounds Currt Money of this Island to be paid to out of all my Estate in Jamica as Well Reall as personal at her age of Sixteen Years or day of Marriage which shall first happen.

I Give + bequeath to my Daughter Margaret Lewis the Sum of Two Thousand pounds of like Current Money of this Island to be paid likewise to her out of my Estate Reall + Personall In Jamaica at her age of Sixteen Years or day of Marriage which shall first happen.

I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Prudence Lewis the sums of Two Thousand Pounds Currt Money of this Island payable allso out of my Estate Reall and personal in Jaimaica at her age of Sixteen Years or day of Marriage which shall first happen. And in case where of my said Daughters shall happen to depart this life before she shall have attained to her age of Sixteen Years unmarried then my Will is + I do appoint that the sum of Two Thousand Pounds to the party so dying above bequeathed shall be paid to her two surviving Sisters equally to be divided share and share alike as if the said sums had been Originally devised to them and in case then of my said Daughters so surviving of their Sister should also happen (pg.) to depart this life before she shall have attained to her age of sixteen Years unmarried Then my Will is that the sums of Two Thousand Pounds being the Legacy to her first bequeathed shall be divided between my Three Sons Jn Lewis Wm Lewis and Thomas Lewis equally and paid to each of them as they shall severally attain to their Respective ages of Twenty Years and in case it shall happen that either of my said Three Sons shall depart this life before he shall have attained to his age of Twenty Years My Will is that the proportion of the party so dyeing shall rest and be paid to my Two Surviving Sons and in Case if should so Please God that Two of my said Three Sons should happen to dye before they either of them shall have attained to his or their age or ages of Twenty Years Then my Will Intent and meaning is And I doe hereby appoint that the said sums of Two Thousand pounds shall be paid to the Survivor of my said Three Sons and shall rest in him as an Original Bequest And to the intent yt noe Controverises or disputes may arise between my Children after my Decease touching my true Intent and meaning in the Devices above mentioned and the severall Aim ittahons Footnote therein contained I doe hereby Declare it to be my true Intent and meaning That in case of the Death of any of my Three Daughters above mentioned before her age of Sixteen Years or day of Marriage the sume of Two Thousand pounds to her so dying bequeathed shall be paid to her Two Surviving Sisters + in case either of Such the Surviving Sisters shall happen also to depart this life before she shall have attained to her age of Sixteen Years unmarried the sum of Two Thousand pounds bequeathed to such of the Surviving Sisters so dying shall be equally divided and paid to my Three Sons and in Case either of my Said Three Sons shall depart this life before he shall have fully completed his full age of Twenty Years the part or share of him so dying shall be equally divided between his Two Surviving Brothers and in Case either of the Two Surviving brothers shall also dye before he shall have attainted to his full Age of Twenty Years the whole Two Thousand Pounds shall rest in the paid to the longest liver of my said Three Sons as if the sume had been originally devised to him.

I Give alsoe the queath to my Eldest Son John Lewis One Thousand Pounds Currt Money of this Island to be paid to him out of my Estate in this Island at his age of Twenty Years + from + after his having attained to yr age It is my Will that my said Son Jn Lewis to paid the sume of Two Hundred pounds Currt money of this Island Yearly out of my Estate in this Island untill such time as my Son William shall attain to his age of Twenty Yeares at Which Time my Will is that my Estate be equeally divided between all my Sons and my said Sons Jn. And Wm. Put in Possession of there part thereof + to have ye management of the same + ye part of my Younger Son or Sons remaining in the hands + under ye care + Management of their Guaidians till Such time at he or they shall arrive at + attain to his or their age or ages of Twenty Years.

I Give and bequeath to my Dearly beloved Wife Anna Lewis the Furniture of her Chamber together with One Hundred Pounds Currt. Money of this Island to be paid or retained by her immediately after my Death I doe also Give + bequeath unto my Said Wive Three Negroe Slaves by her to be Chosen out of all the House Slaves Except Fadesmin of wch. I shall dye seized or Possess To have and To hold to her my said Wife her heirs + assigns forever over and above her Dower.

I Give and bequeath to my Well beloved Mother Margarett Lewis the sum of Twenty Pounds Currt Money of this Island to buy Her Mourning

John Lewis LH

I also give and bequeath to Capt. Jacob Rickets of the Parish of Westmorland

and Sarah his Wife to each of them the sume of Twenty Pounds Currt Money of this Island.

I Give and bequeath unto Ephrains Stephenson of ye Parish of Westmorland Esq. + to Mary his Wife to each of them the Sume of Twenty Pounds.

I Give and bequeath to the Honble Thos Clarke Junr. of the Parish of St. Andrew Esq. The sume of Fifty Pounds Currt Money of this Island.

To Ezekirl Gomersal of the Parish of Kingstown Esqr. I likewise bequeath ye summ of Fifty Pounds Currt Money of this Island.

I also Give and bequeath unto my Kinsman Wm. Tho. White now or late a Clerk in the office of Ordinance In ye Town of London the like summ of Fifty Pounds Currt Money of this Island to buy them Rings for there Humble Servant and in Case my Wife should happen to be with Child at the time of my Death I Give and bequeath to the Child whereof she shall be then Ensient Footnote Case if happen to be a Girl the summ of Two Thousand pounds Currt Money of this Island to be pd. To her at her age of Sixteen Years or day of Marriage which shall first happen All the Rest residue+ Remainder of my Estate both reall and Personall in this Island or Elsewhere I Give and bequeath to my Sons John Lewis Wm. Lewis and Thos. Lewis + to the Child wherein th. my Wife shall be Ensient at the Time of my Decease In Case it happen to be a Boy To have + To hold the same to them their heirs + assigns forever But in Case any of my said Sons shall dye without Issue of his Body Lawfully begotten That yr. part of my reall Estate to him so dying without Issue Devised shall remaine to his Surviving Brothers + the heirs of there Body lawfully begotten + in Case any of the Surviving Brothers shall dye without Issue of There Bodys Lawfully begotten the same to remain to the Survivor + the Issue of his Body Lawfully begotten and In case such Survivor shall also dye without Issue of his Body Lawfully begotten then the whole to remain to my Daughters and there heires for Ever.

Lastly I doe nominate Constibile + appoint my Well beloved Wife Anna Lewis Executrix of this my Last Will + Testament during her Widowhood + from + after ye day of her Marriage I doe appoint my Worthy Friend the Houble Thos Clark Junr. of the Parish of St Andrew Esq. Ezekirll Gomersall of the Parish of Kingstown Esq + my Kinsman Thos White Gent now or late belonging to the office of Ordinance in the Town of London to be Executors of this my Last Will + Testamt and doe also appoint my said Good Friends Tho. Clark Junr. Ezekirll Gomersall + Tho. White above menconed Guiardians of the Bodys and Estates of each of my Children And whereas I am to a Considerable Valus concerned as part owner in severall Vessels + have att present a Considerable Stock in Trade I doe hereby grant to and Lodge in the honble Thomas Clark Esq. Above menconed a Discretion any Power of Disposing of my share in any Vessell or Vessels or other my Effects in Trade as he shall think most proper for my advantage or other wise to Continue + Carry on the Trade as he shall think fitt In Wittness whereof the said Jn Lewis have sett my hand to be the first sheet + my hand + seal to ye Second Sheet of this my Last Will + Testament the Twenty third day of August In the Year of our Lord one Thousand and Seven hundred and Six

John Lewis


Signed Sealed Published + Declared by the said Jn Lewis the Testament as + for his Last Will + Testament in the presence of

Thos Clarke

Charles Gandy

Wm Claver

Jn Eastwick

Jn See


Memorandum That on the 29th day of October 1706 appeared before me Cha Gandy + Jn Eastwick + made Oath upon the Holy Evangelist yt they were present + Saw Jn Lewis the Testator within menconed being then of Sound Mind + Memory signe Seale Publish and Declare the within written Instrument Contained in Two sheets of paper like his last Will + Testament + yr at the same time Thos Clarke Wm Clauer + Jn See were also present together with them subscribed there names as Witnesses to ye same in the presence of the said Testator + further yr they know not of any other Will made him by the sd Testator which may sent to the disadvantage of these presents

Thomas Handaseyd