Will of Nickolas Alexander 1677
Will of Nickolas Alexander pg. 1
To all manner of people to whom these present may come greeting know you
That I Nickolas Alexander of the parrish of St. David’s in the island aforesaid planter
Being of sound memory and in my right mind but weak of body and knowing not how
Soon I may depart thus mortall life do make this my last will and testament in
____ & , Imp I doe nominate & appoint my beloved friends John Williams of Port Royall
Thomas Williams of St. Jorge de la Vega James Harding of Legonea and Edward Elliot of
Yhallahs all in ye island aforesiad to be overseers if this my last will & testament & to see
It affirmed according to the true intent of meaning there of I give and bequeth onto my
Sonne Samuel Alexander that these hundred and fifty acres of land called by the name
Ye Clayponds that five hundred acres of land of myne called by the name of ye
Of swampes and halfe of all the mute proceeds of my plantation all yhallah to have it
Paid him every yeare as the goods shall be made off and sold, for him and his heirs for
Ever alsoe the lord and houses of myne on yhallah house by for him and his heirs for ever
Squire unto my overseers of this my will my dwelling house and all other the small houses
Apporteyning there with about three acres of land about the same as they shall want
Convenient which is many plantations at yhallah for the sole use of friends whilst ye
People of God called Quaquers forever and likewise forty pounds sterling P yeare for to
Accommodate friends when they come to meetings there as such as that house may lyast
I give unto Edward Moulder one house and land belonging to some with all thee
Conveniences there unto belongings which is myne on Port Royall that which the goldsmith
Liveth in and one bay mare by name Esman and of myne girls which her oweth me for
Onto him and his heirs forever and that Edward Moulder be employed in my affairs as
Y’ trustee fitt squire onto my brother Robert Alexander in Marsleberg in Willshire farm
Ppnds of sugar to be sent him within a year after my decease and four ppnds of sugar a
Yeare after and the third yeare as much sugar as will make app the eight ppnds of sugar
Before sent me one hundred pounds sterling, Squire write my Goven Richards Pyke
Of Richards Pyke of Corke in Ireland if he shall come to this island moneyto pay his
passage and other chargers that he may be at in coming the voyage alsoe to hims heirs and
clashed and accommodate and doe for him instill my estate will pay heirs one hundred
pg. 2
[line missing]
Nickolas Alexander sonne of Samuel Alexander in Maleberg aforesaid each of then fifty
Pounds P each to be paid within eighteen months, Him I give unto my sister Ridesh
Carsters daughter in Marlberg aforesaid twenty five pounds P yeare for two yeares after my
Decease I give unto John Cartisight my blacke couette all yhallahs for ever, I give unto
My trustees above mencioned two hundred pounds sterling to be putt to such uses as they
And mons. Meeting of friends shall thinke convienient to be paid as soon as possible, I give unto
Jane Alexander four Negroes for ever by name Lads and his wife Dids Whansidroe and
Hannibull and that my daughter Jane Alexander be two yeares I doe be sent for England
For to be educated by friends and to live with them and amongst them soe long as my trustees
Shall thinke convenient, I give unto my cousin Javis Sharve thirty acres of land I bought
Of James Rogers at yhallahs and one of my best horses which he shall make choice of and
Unto his wife one negroe girl P name Nasinee Fortes and five pounds sterling likewise my
Will and desire is that her shall have ffifty pounds sterling P yeare for to be overseer of
My plantain all yhallah I give unto Richard Gurnell what hee oweth me and unto John
Campion what he oweth me, unto Joseph Collins what he oweth me and twenty pounds sterling
To his wife my couson, I give unto Rich d Loke his freedome, in case of Jane my daughter
Mortallity unto Andrew Abbington one yeares rent of the house hee liveth in, unto Charels
Thomas tenne pounds sterling to be paid as soon as conviently the Estate can pay it, I give
Unto the overseers of this my will fifty pounds sterling each Mon to be payd them after my
Estate is closed and my request and decision is unto them they without suite of law pay
Of p son and further I give unto ye use of friends the chamber which is my bed chamber and
The guest chamber which is in the middle of the bricke house garrett roomes which is my
Daughter Janes and all my bedding thereunto belonging for the use of friends for and until
My daughter Jane cometh of age, I give & bequeth unto my daughter Jane Alexander all
My estate both reall & personal of what kind or nature so over after this my will is accomplished
As aforesaid but in case of her mortallity before she comes to age or shall dye childless that
Is to say without child, then my estate all yhallah of what nature or quality ever shall
Be to the sonne of Samuel Alexander to say his eldest sonne for him and his heirs for ever
And the rest of my estate I give unto the trustees of this my will to bestowe it as they and
The Mons meeting of friends shall thinke convienient for the good of orphans, widows, & all
Is to be understood that if Jane Alexander my daughter shall dye before Samuel Alexander
My sonnes eldest sonne shall be twenty one yeares of age, Have my estate all yhallah to ye
Care and management of my trustees and mons meeting of friends to make ye of as them
Shall meet & convienient until my sonne Sam e Alexanders sonne shall arrive to twenty one
Yeares old by witness whose of I have hereunto fixed my seale and sett my hand this twoe and
Twentyeth of third month called May anns 1677 Nickolas Alexander
Signed sealed & recorded in the presence of Thomas Ruby Thomas Hougill
Mons (eh) that in the eleventh day of June Anns Domini 1677 Thomas Ruby appeared before
Me and made oath that he was present when Nickolas Alexander & / being of sound and
Perfect memory / signed and sealed the written and shall be published the same to be
Last will & testament Signed before me Vaughn