Will of Thomas Moone 1689
Vol. 6. Fol. 54
Thomas Moone, Port Royal Gunsmith (see also his probate inventory)
Signed/Sealed August 20, 1689
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Moone of the parish of Port Royale in the Island of Jamaica though sick and weake in body yett appeased and sound of mind ______ Almighty God for the name but knowing the certainty of death & the certainty of the hour thereof doe make this my last will and testiment following. First I commend myself to the mercy and protection of Almighty God whoe shall please him to call me out of this mortale life My body I commend to give And my soul to him that gave it In expectation of a joyful resureccion through the person of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ to him with the holy Ghost befall. Glory thou art for Ever Amen. And as for which temporall Estate as God of his infinitt mercy hath him pleased to endow me with I doe endow and dispose of as followeth And I doe hereby ordaine and appointe my deare loveing wife Iane Moone and William Hutchinson in whole Executors herafter of this my last will and testiment desireing them after my decent buryall the management of which I wholly leave to their discretion for the appointment of this issue and all debts contracted in my lifetime thoughtfull and speedy payment these of which I am fully satisfyed contented and free all others my remaining Estate both reall and personall whether on the Island of Iamaica & elsewhere I do will & bequeath the same unto my (afair) dear & loving wife Iane Moone for and during her naturale life and after her decease ye one halfe therof to my loving son Thomas Moone ye other halfe therof unto my loving daughter Iane Moone and my loving son Daniell Moone to be equally divided between them to them their heirs & assignes for Ever in case of mortality or either of them without _____ all that pt (?) to him or her or them gives and bequeathed and deceased to be equally divided to the survivors as of _______ so remaining to him his heirs & assignes for Ever And revoking & disallowing all former wills at any time here to fore by my hand I doe declare acknowledge & allow of this date my last will and testiment in witness thereof I have here unto sett my hand & seale dated ye twentieth day of August in ye year of our Lord God One thousand Six hundred Eighty and nine & in the first yeare of their Magesties Reigne
Thomas Moone