Will of Thomas Piper 1677
Vol. 1. Fol. 189
Thomas Piper, Port Royal Tanner (see also his probate inventory)
Entered October 30, 1677
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Piper of Port Royall in the Island of Jamaica Tanner being weake of body but of sound and pfect mind and memory pray and ask the Almighty God for ye Same Doe make and ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in writing in manner and forme following (that is to say) my soule I comitt into the hands of Almighty God that gave it As for my body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buried att the discretion of my Executors heerafter mentioned, And as touching and concerning such Estate both reall and psonall as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestowe uppon me my just Debts and funerall expenses being first paid and sattisfied, I give and bequeath as followeth Item I give and bequeath unto my twoe Sisters Anne and Mary living in England being both married, but their husbands names unknowne unto each of them Twenty pounds Sterling to be paid them by my Executors within Twelve months next after my decease Item I give unto my Negro Woman called Maria her freedome after her service of five yeares next after my decease All ye rest and residue of my estate both reall and psonall whatever whether in the Island of Jamaica or elce where I absolutely give and bequeath unto my well beloved Sonne Thomas Piper now liveing in England when hee shall attayne to the Age of one and twenty yeares To have and to hold to him the said Thomas Piper his heirs and Assignes forever And in case of mortallity of my said Sonne Thomas Piper before he attayne to the Age of one and twenty yeares as abovesaid Then my will and pleasure is that such estate soe given and bequeathed to my said Sonne Thomas Piper shall goe be and more unto my said Twoe Sisters Anne and Mary share and share alike their heirs and Assignes forever, And of this my said Will and Testament I doe make my loveing friends William Shettlewood and Rowley Titchborne both of Port Royall aforesaid Executors in Trust to see the same pformed according to the true intent and purposes of ye same And I doe heerby Revoake all former Wills and Testaments by me heertofore ____________________________________________________ [cut off] [thr]ee and Twentieth day of October in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand six hundred seaventy seaven
Thomas Piper
Signed sealed & delivered in the prsence of us Stephen Hayeward Samuel Gray Anthony Bourcheir Memored that on the 30th day of October Anno Dom 1677 Stephen Hayewood Samuel Gray and Anthony Bourchier gent came before mee & made oath that they were prsent when the within named Thomas Piper /being of sound and pfecte memory/ signed and sealed the within written Will and published and declared the same to be his last Will & Testament
Sworne before mee Vaughan
Enterd FH & RC