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Industrial Organization Day

Dr. Fernando Luco and Dr. Ben Klopack hosted the event on Friday 15 October, 2021.

The Texas A&M Department of Economics hosted its first Industrial Organization Day on Friday 15 October, 2021 in the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Building on the campus of Texas A&M University.

The conference was hosted by Dr. Fernando Luco, Associate Professor of Economics, and Dr. Ben Klopack, Assistant Professor of Economics while Mrs. Chelsi Bass provided logistical coordination for the event.

There were four distinguished speakers who were able to make the trip in person and one “virtual” speaker – Mo Xiao (University of Arizona), Sophie Calder-Wang (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania), Tobias Salz (MIT), Joel Waldfogel (virtual visitor, University of Minnesota), and Zach Brown (University of Michigan). In addition, faculty visitors from the University of Texas – Austin, Rice University, and the University of Houston were able to make the trip.

Topics presented included political incentives in narrowing the gap in broadband connectivity, the distributional effects of the sharing economy in the housing market, market design in public transportation, personalized pricing in college education and its impact on enrollment decisions, and the relationship between market structure and extortion in an economy dominated by gangs.