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Wellness Tips for Psychology Students

Wellness Tips for Psychology Students

 By Tami Akerele


In a field where our passions, study, work, and volunteering are centered on helping and improving others’ mental well-being, it is important for us to take time to take care of ourselves. As Psychology students, we know the importance of prioritizing wellness in all facets of our lives and as the Mid-semester slump arises ( especially in a Global Pandemic), so can stress, burnout, and anxiety.


Here are some tips to manage stress and stay mentally healthy:


  1. An exercise routine you enjoy: Exercising releases endorphins which your brain uses to regulate stress.


  1. Eating a healthy varied diet: Health looks like different things for different people. Healthy looks like a salad bowl one day and four slices of cake the next day. Nourishing your body is important for your health and eating food that you enjoy is important also. Honor your cravings and listen to your body.


  1. A consistent sleep schedule: Sleep is one of the most important habits to implement when stress occurs. Sleep deprivation not only derails your mental health but is extremely dangerous. Sleep deprivation reduces the effectiveness of your immune system, causes problems with concentration and thinking, and negatively impacts your memory. Creating a consistent sleep schedule, where seven to nine hours of sleep is essential to good mental well-being.


  1. Practicing Self-care: Selfcare isn’t always accessible to all people and many don’t have the time or energy to do so. Selfcare isn’t always face masks and essential oils, it can be doing your homework on time so you can watch your favorite show. Self-care is whatever you need to do to feel at peace and relaxed with yourself.


  1. Asking for Help: Even helpers need help. Asking for help is necessary to accomplish goals, and being able to delegate your responsibilities is a great skill. Learning to say NO is also a necessary part of taking care of yourself. Overstretching and piling yourself with too much work creates unnecessary stressors.


Overall, Taking time to take care of yourself is just as important as helping others to do the same.