Graduate Research
Graduate students at the Department of Communication are also graduate researchers. Our doctoral program is dedicated to providing students the training and opportunity to publish in the top-tier journals in their fields. Below is just a selection of some of the research published over the last five years by our graduate students before earning their doctorate. (The student’s name will appear in bold). For more on graduate student research, check out our Spotlight on Research page that features works in progress by some of our talented students!
Aduen, M. V. (2020). Being an alien times of Coronavirus: Three narrative snapshots. Journal of Applied Communication Research Online Publication: Communication Intervention 1, 41-49.
Amith, M., Lin, R., Cunningham, R., Wu, Q. L., Savas, L. S., Gong, Y., … & Tao, C. (2020). Examining potential usability and health beliefs among young adults using a conversational agent for HPV vaccine counseling. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings, 2020, 43.
Bajan, A. (2020). Brazos fellowship: A case study in digitally mediated liturgical design. Ecclesial Practices, 7(1), 32-47. doi:10.1163/22144417-bja10003
Bajan, A. (2020). Evangelization in isolation: Problems of disembodied community building. In Religion in Quarantine: The Future of Religion in a Post-Pandemic World. Digital Religion Publications. Available electronically from /1969.1/188004.
Bajan, A. (2019). Communication by design: Catholic youth organizations & social media. Problemi dell’ informazione (Media and Communication), 44 (3). Retrieved from
Bajan, A. (2019). Review of the book Church, Market, & Media: A Discursive Approach to Religious Change. Journal of Religion, Film, and Media, 5(2), 189-192. Retrieved from
Bajan, A. (2019). Review of the book Consuming Religion by Kathryn Loftus. Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture, 8(3). Retrieved from
Bajan, A., & Campbell, H. (2017) Electronic media and religion. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion in America. Oxford University Press.
Barbour, J. B., Sommer, P. A., Gill, R. (2016). Technical, arcane, interpersonal, and embodied expertise. In J. Treem, & P. Leonardi (Eds.), Expertise, communication, and organizing. Oxford University Press.
Beaudoin, C. E. Chen, H., & Agha, S. (2016). Estimating causal effects with propensity score models: An evaluation of the Touch condom media campaign in Pakistan. Journal of Health Communication, 21(4), 415-423.
Bellar, W. (2016). Private practice: Using digital diaries and interviews to understand Evangelical Christians’ choice and use of religious mobile applications. New Media & Society, 19(1), 111-125. doi: 1461444816649922.
Black, L. W., Wolfe, A. W., Kay, C. S., & Chalupa, J. (2021). Group deliberation: Weighing options. In S. Beck, J. Keyton, & M. S. Poole (Eds.), The Emerald handbook of group and team communication research (pp. 261-274). Emerald Publishing.
Brannon, G. E., & Rauscher, E. A. (2019). Managing face while managing privacy: Factors that predict young adults’ communication about sexually transmitted infections with romantic partners. Health Communication, 34(14), 1833-1844.
Campbell, H., & Rule, F. (2016). The practice of digital religion. In H. Friese, G. Rebane, M. Nolden, & M. Schreiter (Eds.), Handbook Social Practices and Digital Life-Worlds/Handbuch Soziale Praktiken und Digitale Alltagswelten (pp. 1-12). Springer Publishing.
Campbell, H.A., & Sheldon, Z. (Forthcoming). Community. In H.A. Campbell (Ed.), Digital religion: Understanding religious practice in new media worlds, 2nd Ed.
Campbell, H.A., & Sheldon, Z. (2020). What do internet memes focused on social distancing tell us about people’s response to the pandemic? In H.A. Campbell (Ed.), Social distancing in a world of memes (pp. 17-20). College Station, TX: Digital Religion Publications. Available electronically at
Campbell, H., Sheldon, Z., Gibson, J., & Guzman, G. (2020). Technological and mediated identity in American multisite churches. Ecclesial Practices, 7(1), 11-31. doi:10.1163/22144417-bja10002
Campbell, G., Brannon, G. E., Rauscher, E. A., & Hesse, C. (2017). The dyadic influence of attachment and affection on relationship satisfaction. Iowa Journal of Communication, 49(1), 46-66.
Campbell-Salome, G. (2019). “Yes, they have the right to know, but…”: Young adult women managing private health information as dependents. Health Communication, 34(9), 1010-1020.
Champine, T. (2020). Book review: Down to earth: Politics in the new climactic regime, by Bruno Latour, trans. Catherine Porter. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 50(4), 302-304
Chen, F. (2019). Leveraging interactive social media communication for organizational success: An examination of Chinese net-roots third-sector organizations’ microblog use. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 24(1).
Chen, H., & Beaudoin, C. E. (2016). An empirical study of a social network site: Exploring the effects of social capital and information disclosure. Telematics and Informatics, 33(2), 432-435.
Chen, H., Beaudoin, C. E., & Hong, T. (2016). Teen online information disclosure: Empirical testing of a protection motivation and social capital model. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, 67(12), 2871-2881.
Chen, H., Beaudoin, C. E., & Hong, T (2016). Protecting oneself online: The effects of negative privacy experiences on the adoption of protective behaviors. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 93(2), 409-429.
Chen, H., Beaudoin, C. E., & Hong, T (2017). Securing online privacy: An empirical test on internet scam victimization, online privacy concerns, and privacy protection behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 291-302.
Coombs, W. T., & Costantini, R. (2019). Crisis management. In C. M. Kim (Ed.), Public relations: Competencies and practice (pp. 129–140). Routledge.
Coombs, W. T., Holladay, S. J., & Tachkova, E. R. (2019). Crisis/Risk Communication/Issues Management. In B. Brunner-Johnson (Ed.), Public Relations Theory: Application and Understanding. Wiley & Sons Publishing.
Coombs, W. T., Holladay, S. J., & Tachkova, E. R. (2018). When a scandal and a crisis fuse: Exploring the communicative implications of scansis. In M. Hendriks and A. Haller (Eds.), Scandology (pp. 171-190). Köln, German: Herbert von Halem.
Coombs, W. T., & Tachkova, E. R. (2018). Scansis as a unique crisis type: Theoretical and practical implications. Journal of Communication Management, 23 (1), 72-88. doi: 10.1108/JCOM-08-2018-0078
Conrad, C. & Shipley, J. (2016). Ethics of reputation management. In C. E. Carroll (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Sage.
Conrad, C., & Terry, A. (2016). Strategic communication. In G. Mazzoleni (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of political communication. Wiley-Blackwell.
Costantini, R. A. (2019). “I’ve never told anyone this, but…”: First tellings of college-aged women’s reproductive healthcare experiences. Health Communication, 35(14), 1833–1836.
Cox, T. L. (2016). The postwar medicalization of <family> planning: Planned Parenthood’s conservative comic, escape from fear. Women’s Studies in Communication, 39(3), 268-288.
Cox, T. L. (2016). Uncle Sam wants you: A pentadic analysis of Uncle Sam comic books as World War II propaganda. In T. Goodnow & J. Kimble (Eds.), The Ten Cent War: Comic Books, Propaganda, & World War II (pp. 94-113). U Press of Mississippi.
Dubriwny, T., & Siegfried, K. (2021). Justifying abortion: The limits of maternal idealist rhetoric. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 107(2), 185-208.
Earle, E. R. (2017). The rhetoric of Kairos: Paul Tillich’s re-interpretation. Journal of Communication and Religion 40(4), 24-36.
Fogle, K. (2016). Knope vs. Pope: A fantasy theme analysis of Scandal vs. Parks & Recreation. In K. G. Roberts (Ed.), Communication Theory and Millennial Popular Culture (pp. 131-142). Peter Lang.
Freytag, J., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2019). Are television deaths good deaths? A narrative analysis of dying in popular medical dramas. Health Communication, 34(7), 747-754.
Freytag, J., & Rauscher, E. (2017). The importance of family communication in advance care planning: Generational effects on behaviors and beliefs. Journal of Health Communication, 22(6), 488-496.
Freytag, J., Street, R. L., Xing, G., Duberstein, P. R., Fiscella, K., Tancredi, D. J., Fenton, J. J., Kravitz, R. L., & Epstein, R. M. (2018). The ecology of patient and caregiver participation in consultations involving advanced cancer. Pscyho-oncology, 27(6), 1642-1649.
Gan, I. (2017). Advancing a distributive-bargaining and integrative-negotiation integral system: A values-based negotiation model (VBM). Social Sciences, 6(4), 115.
Gantt Shafer, J. (2016). Book review of Kurt T. Lash’s The Fourteenth Amendment & the Privileges & Immunities of American Citizenship. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 19(1), 160–162.
Gantt Shafer, J. (2017). Donald Trump’s “political incorrectness:” Neoliberalism as frontstage racism on social media. Social Media and Society, 3(3), 1 – 10.
Gloeckner, P. B., Campbell-Salome, G. M., Waag, B. E., Horney, J. A., & Rauscher, E. A. (2021). Resident perspectives of environmental health risk exposures after Hurricane Harvey. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. doi:10.1007/s13412-021-00674-5
Goidel, K., Gaddie, K., & Ehrl, M. (2017). Watching the news and support for democracy: Why media systems matter. Social Science Quarterly, 98(3), 836-855
Hinck, R. S., Manly, J. N., Kluver, R. A., & Norris, W. J. (2016). Interpreting and shaping geopolitics in Chinese media: The discourse of the “New Style of Great Power Relations.” Asian Journal of Communication, 26(5), 427-445.
Hodgdon, K. & Rule, F. A. (2017). Spacewar!: How a computer test propagated modern gaming. In R. Meija, J. Banks, & A. Adams (Eds.), 100 Greatest Video Game Franchises. Rowan & Littlefield.
Holladay, S. J., & Tachkova, E. R. (2021). Public relations for stakeholder and societal engagement. In C. Valentini (Ed.), Handbook of communication science: Public relations. De Gruyter Mouton.
Jiang, S. (2017). The role of social media use in improving cancer survivors’ emotional well-being: A moderated mediation study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 11(3), 386-392. doi: 10.1007/s11764-017-0595-2.
Jiang, S. (2016). “Microblog, a public sphere?”: An examination of opinion expression about “Snowden Affair” on Twitter & Sina Weibo. In: T. Deželan, & I, Vobič (Eds.), (R)evolutionizing political communication through social media. IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9879-6.ch002
Jiang, S., & Beaudoin, C. E. (2016). Smoking prevention in China: A content analysis of an anti-smoking social media campaign. Journal of Health Communication, 21, 755-764.
Jiang, S., & Beaudoin, C. E. (2016). Health literacy & the Internet: An exploratory study on the 2013 HINTS survey. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 240–248.
Jiang, S., & Street, R. L. (2017). Factors influencing communication with doctors via the Internet: A cross-sectional analysis of the 2014 HINTS survey. Health Communication, 32(2), 180-188.
Jiang, S., & Street, R. L. (2017). Pathway linking Internet health information seeking to better health: A moderated mediation study. Health Communication, 32(8), 1024-1031. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1196514.
Joseph, J. L., & Winfield, A. S. (2019). Reclaiming our time: Asserting the logic of intersectionality in media studies. Women’s Studies in Communication, 1–4.
Key, A. (2016). Debate as sales: A new approach to audience analysis. In W. Drake (Ed.), Public debate: A guidebook to IPDA. Thomson.
Khan, T., & Muturi, N. (Forthcoming). Examining the factors associated with self-efficacy for HPV vaccine among college students. Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media, Engagement in Global Health.
Landmark, S. E. (Forthcoming). The patronized supercrip: A textual analysis of The Peanut Butter Falcon. In M. S. Jeffress (Ed.), Disability Representations in TV, Film, and Print Media. Routledge.
La Pastina, A., Pavao, C., Sousa, A. (2017). Mídia lusófona nos EUA: entre a Flórida e a Região Nordeste (Lusophone US media: between Florida and the Northeast), Revisita Famecos: Midia, Cultura e Technologia.
La Pastina, A. & Yadlin-Segal, A. (2016). Ethnography. International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory & Philosophy.
Linabary, J. R., Cruz, J. M., Allen, B. J., Chalupa, J. A., Dempsey, S. E., Glenn, C. L., Lockwood Harris, K., Long, Z., McDonald, J., Musleh, S., Oktaviani, F. H., Parker, P. S., & Sobande, F. (2020). Envisioning more equitable and just futures: Feminist organizational communication in theory and praxis. Management Communication Quarterly, 35(1). p. 142-168. doi:10.1177/0893318920973598.
Lueck, J. A., Brannon, G. E., Silva, T., & Stephenson, M. T. (2019). Depression’s response to fear tactics: An integration of health promotion principles, eye-tracking technology and clinical tools. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(6) 1178-1186.
Lueck, J. A., Costantini, R., & Knobloch, M. (2019). “The making of an addiction”: Examining psychological determinants of prescription stimulant abuse among college students. Health Communication, 35(8), 946–954.
Lueck, J. A., & Spiers, A. (2020). Which beliefs predict intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19? A mixed-methods reasoned action approach applied to health communication. Journal of Health Communication, 25(10), 790-798.
May, M. S., & Siegfried, K. (2018). Althusser and structuralism. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.
Medhurst, J. M. (2021). Styles and spaces of whiteness in HGTV’s Fixer Upper. In B. Inabinet & C. Moss (Eds.), Reconstructing the South: Critical Regionalism and Southern Rhetoric. University Press of Mississippi.
Medhurst, J. M. (2020). Cooking up Southern Black identity in Chef’s Table’s “Mashama Bailey.” Southern Journal of Communication, 85(4), 219-230. doi:10.1080/1041794X.2020.1801822
Miles, C. (2017). Turkey. In Online around the World: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Internet, Social Media, and Mobile Apps. ABC CLIO.
Munson, D. (2017). Book review: Hannah Arendt and the Negro question. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 103(1-2), 202-206.
Murawski, C. M., & Dubriwny, T. N. (2018). The badass and the president: Scandal’s prime-time presidency. In K. V. Anderson (Ed.), Women, Feminism, & Pop Politics: From “Bitch” to “Badass” & Beyond. Peter Lang Publishing.
Ortiz-Martinez, A. (2020). I-395. In R. M. Boylorn & M. P. Orbe (Eds.), Critical autoethnography (pp. 165-174). Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Chaboki Darzabi, R. (2020). Civic engagement, social justice, and media literacy. In W. G. Christ & B. S. De Abreu (Eds.), Media literacy in a disruptive media environment. Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Costantini, R. A. (2020). Intergroup contact. In J. Van den Bulck (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of media psychology (Vol. 3). Wiley-Blackwell.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Landmark, S. (2020). Ethics of empirical research. In The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. New York, NY: Wiley.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Miles, C. (2018). Framing the Syrian refugee crisis: A comparative analysis of Arabic and English news sources. International Journal of Communication, 12, 4488-4506.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Miles, C. (2018). White nationalist rhetoric, neoliberal multiculturalism, and colorblind racism: Decolonial critique of Richard Spencer’s campus visit. Javnost: The Public, 25(4), 426-440.
Ramasubramanian, S. & Sousa. A. (2019). Media and ethnic stereotyping. In R. Hobbs & P. Mihailidis (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of media literacy. Wiley-Blackwell.
Ramasubramanian, S., Sousa, A. N., & Golin, V. (2017). Facilitated difficult dialogues on racism: A goal-based approach. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 45(5), 537-556.
Ramasubramanian, S., Winfield, A., & Riewestahl, E. (2020). Positive stereotypes and counter-stereotypes: Examining their effects on prejudice reduction and favorable intergroup relations. In A. Billings & S. Parrott (Eds.), Media Stereotypes: From Ageism to Xenophobia. Peter Lang Publishers.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Stigma: Media influence on. The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects.
Ramasubramanian, S., & Yadlin-Segal, A. (2016). Building meaningful cross-sector partnerships for children and media initiatives: A conversation café with scholars and activists from around the world. Journal of Children and Media, 10(2), 216-224.
Ramirez, A. R. (2020) Latinidad and reflections of the border in ‘The Mandalorian’. In Media Res.
Ramirez, A. R. (2020). El Pasoanidad. American Book Review, 41(6), 13. doi:10.1353/abr.2020.0096.
Rauscher, E.A., Dean, M., Campbell-Salome, G. (2018). “I am uncertain about what my uncertainty even is”: Men’s uncertainty and information management of their BRCA-related cancer risks. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27(6), 1417-1427.
Riley, C. L. (2016). Rhetorical leadership and the Black Church: Revisiting 1940s’ Durham. Howard Journal of Communications, 27(4), 291-310.
Rigda, R. S. (2016). Creating equality through Quidditch: A rhetorical analysis of Quidditch blogs. In C. E. Bell (Ed). Wizards vs. muggles: Essays on identity and the Harry Potter universe (pp.217-232). McFarland.
Romanowski, M. & Sheldon, Z. (2020). “Time to ranch it up!”: Ethics and satire in new media. Critical Studies in Television, 15(3), pp. 239-254. doi:10.1177/1749602020935746
Sheldon, Z. (2019). Hell house or something more?: Horror, love, and mental illness. Northern Lights Film and Media Studies Yearbook, 17(1), 43-56. DOI: 10.1386/nl_00004_1
Sheldon, Z. (2019). The Gollum problem: Empathy and digital characters in cinema. Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 14(3), 207-221. DOI: 10.1177/1746847719881702
Sheldon, Z. (2019). Religion and culture in Inherit the Wind. Journal of Religion and Film, 23(2), Article 2.
Sheldon, Z. (2019). The Babylon bee: Countersymbols and Christian satire. Journal of Communication and Religion, 42(1), pp. 33-45.
Sheldon, Z. (2020). “God said, ‘you’re hearing the voice of the president’”: Citizenship in The Trump Prophecy. Journal of Media and Religion, 19(3), pp. 93-107. doi:10.1080/15348423.2020.1812338
Sheldon, Z. (2020). The limits of faith-based organizations: Lessons from a Big Idea. Communication Studies, 71(4), pp. 568-583. doi:10.1080/10510974.2020.1749684
Sheldon, Z. (2020). Paratexts and the making of the ‘digital auteur.’ Cinephile, 14(1), pp. 26-31.
Sheldon, Z. (2020). Unmasking the devil: Comfort and closure in horror film special features. Popular Culture Studies Journal, 8(1), pp. 24-42.
Sheldon, Z. (2020). The artistic evangelism of David Lynch: Transcendental meditation, world peace, and Laura Palmer. NANO: New American Notes Online.
Sheldon, Z. (2020). Public memory and popular culture: Biopics, #MeToo, and David Foster Wallace. Atlantic Journal of Communication. DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2020.1712603
Sheldon, Z. (2020) Stories internet memes tell us about social distancing. In H.A. Campbell (Ed.), Social distancing in a world of memes (pp. 4-16). Digital Religion Publications. Available electronically at
Sheldon, Z. (2020). Grassroots evangelism: Returning to the principles of Christianity. In H.A. Campbell (Ed.), Religion in quarantine: The future of religion in a post-pandemic world (pp. 48-51). Digital Religion Publications. Available electronically at
Sheldon, Z. (2020). A house without kindness: Hill house and the phenomenology of horrific space. In K.J. Wetmore (Ed.), The streaming of hill house: Essays on the haunting Netflix adaptation (pp. 50-60). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Sheldon, Z. (2020). Social physics and the moral economy of spreadable media: An integrated model for communication networking. In C. Winkler (Ed.), Networking argument (pp. 362-367). Routledge.
Sheldon, Z. (Forthcoming). Treasures and wrecks: Postmodernity, new sincerity, and the limits of hegemonic creativity. Studies in Popular Culture.
Sheldon, Z. (Forthcoming). Fans, franchises, and cultural production: What The Hobbit and Disney’s Star Wars tell us about the internet and media entertainment culture. In R. Knight & D. Quist (Eds.), We want the wilderness: Essays on franchise storytelling. McFarland.
Sheldon, Z., & Campbell, H.A. (Forthcoming). Divine revelation. In B. Mezei (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of divine revelation.
Sheldon, Z. & Romanowski, M. (Forthcoming). Control freak: Dimensions of the digital auteur. In K. Clavin (Ed.), ReFocus: The films of David Fincher. University of Edinburgh Press.
Sheldon, Z., Romanowski, M., & Shafer, D. M. (2019). Parasocial interactions and digital characters: The changing landscape of cinema and viewer/character relationships. Atlantic Journal of Communication. DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2019.1702550
Siegfried, K. (Forthcoming). Cramped space: Finding rebellious potential in fixed capital during the Attica Prison Uprising of 1971. Cultural Critique.
Siegfried, K. (2020). Making settler-colonialism concrete: Agentive materialism & habitational violence in Palestine.” Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies 17(3).
Siegfried, K. (2019). Feeling collective: The queer politics of affect in the Riot Grrrl movement. Women’s Studies in Communication, 42(1).
Siegfried, K. (2019). Review of AK Thompson’s Premonitions: Selected Essays on the Culture of Revolt. Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association 8(2).
Singer, S., Bloom-Pojar, R., Dubriwny, T. N., Kinney, T., McFarlane, M., Murawski, C., Stockwell, J., & R. Jensen. (2018) Reevaluating our commitments: Intersectionality, interdisciplinarity, and the future of feminist rhetoric. In J. Rice & C. Graham (Eds.), Rhetorics Change/Rhetoric’s Change. Intermezzo.
Sousa, A., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2017). Challenging gender and racial stereotypes in online spaces: Alternative storytelling among Latina youth in the U.S. In D. Lemish & Goyz, M. (Eds.), Beyond the stereotypes – Boys, girls, and their images. International Clearinghouse.
Spiers, A., Vardeman, J., & Antosh, D. (2020). Understanding women’s treatment preferences for pelvic floor disorders [40F]. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 135, 70S-71S.
Stephens, K. K., & Pantoja, G. E. (2016). Mobile devices in the classroom: Learning motivations predict specific types of multicommunicating behaviors. Communication Education, 65(4), 463-479.
Tachkova, E. R. (2020). Enhancing post-crisis communication through memorials: The case of the Bonfire crisis at Texas A&M. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 25 (3), 395-411. doi: 10.1108/CCIJ-12-2019-0146
Tang, L., Fujimoto, K., Amith, M. T., Cunningham, R., Costantini, R. A., York, F., Xiang, G., Boom, J. A., & Tao, C. (2021). Going down the rabbit hole? An exploration of exposure to vaccine misinformation on YouTube. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(1).
Tang, L., Liu, W., Thomas, B., Tran, H. T. N., Zou, W., Zhang, X., & Zhi, D. (2021). Texas public agencies’ tweets and public engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Natural language processing approach. JMIR Public Health & Surveillance.
Tang, L., York, F., & Zou, W. (2021). Middle-aged and older African Americans’ information use during the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview study. Frontiers in Public Health, 9(709416). doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.709416
Tang, L., & Zou, W. (2021). Health information consumption under COVID-19 lockdown: An interview study of residents of Hubei Province, China. Health Communication, 36(1), 74-80.
Tang, X., Zou, W., Hu, Z., & Tang, L. (2021). The recreation of gender stereotypes in male cross-dressing performances on Douyin. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. doi:10.1080/08838151.2021.1955888
Terry, A. (2015). The Church made me do it: Identity and apology in Marin Foundation video confessionals. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 39(4), 298-318.
Terry, A. (2016). Civil religion as communal democratic sentiment: An Emersonian perspective. In J. Edwards & J. Valenzano (Eds.), The rhetoric of civil religion: Sinners, saints, & symbols (pp. 41-54). Lexington Books.
Tsuria, R. (2016). Jewish Q&A online and the regulation of sexuality: Using Foucault to read technology. Social Media + Society, 2(3).
Tsuria, R. (2016). Book review: Deconstructing Islamophobia in Poland by Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska. Journal of Religion, Media & Digital Culture, 5(1).
Tsuria, R., Yadlin-Segal, A., Vitullo, A., & Campbell, H. A. (2017). Approaches to digital methods in studies of digital religion. The Communication Review, 20(2), 73-97.
Waymer, D., Cannon, D., & Street, J. (2016). Chance or choice? An analysis of assumed biological sex-based differences in undergraduate public relations course teaching distributions. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 35(1), 14-24.
Waymer, D., & Street, J. (2016). Second-class, cash strapped, antiquated institutions: Unbalanced media depictions of Historically Black Colleges & Universities in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Journal for Multicultural Education, 10(4), 489-506.
Whitten, R. & Coombs, W. T. (2017). Crisis communication: Insights and implications for investor relations. In A. Laskin (Editor), The Handbook of Financial Communication and Investor Relations (23-32). Wiley.
Winfield, A. S. (Forthcoming). Reclaiming our time: Using Black biopics to see Black women. In D. Stamps & S. Haydel (Eds.), Black identities and media.
Winfield, A. S. (2021). Black history, gospel music and something like black girl magic in Lovecraft Country. In Media Res. Retrieved February 16, 2021, from
Winfield, A. S. (2020). Body, blood, and brilliance: A Black woman’s battle for loud healing and strength. Health Communication. doi:10.1080/10410236.2020.1826656
Wu, Q. L., & Street, R. L. (2021). Health outcomes. In C. Bylund (Ed.) Wiley International Encyclopedia of Health Communication.
Wu, Q. L., & Tang, L. (2021). What satisfies parents of pediatric patients in China: A grounded theory building analysis of online doctor’s reviews. Health Communication, 1-8.
Wu, Q. L., & Street, R. L. (2020). The communicative ecology of Chinese patients’ experiences with health care. Journal of Health Communication, 25(6), 463–473.
Wu, Q. L., & Street, R. L. (2020). Factors affecting cancer patients’ electronic communication with providers: Implications for COVID-19 induced transitions to telehealth. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(12), 2583–2587.
Yadlin-Segal, A. (2016). Book Review: A Virtual Chinatown: The Diasporic Mediasphere of Chinese Migrants in New Zealand by Phoebe H. Li. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1882-1885.
Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). ‘It happened before and it will happen again’: Online user comments as a non-commemorative site of Holocaust remembrance. Jewish Film and New Media, 5(1), 24–47.
Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Constructing national identity online – the case study of #IranJeans on Twitter. International Journal of Communication, 11, 2760–2783.
York, F., & Tang, L. (2021). “Picture me heart disease free”: Understanding African Americans’ cardiovascular disease experiences through a culture-centered approach. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 49(3), 247-266.
Zhao, Y. (2019). Testing the measurement invariance of nativism. Social Science Quarterly, 100(2), 419-429.
Zou, W. (2021). How do patient-centered communication, emotional well-being, confidence in health information-seeking, and future time perspective influence health self-efficacy? American Journal of Health Education, 52(3), 137-144.
Zou, W., & Tang, L. (2021). What do we believe in? Rumors and processing strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Public Understanding of Science, 30(2), 153-168.
Zou, W., Tang, L., & Bie, B. (2021). The stigmatization of suicide: A study of stories told by college students in China. Death Studies. doi:10.1080/07481187.2021.1958396
Zou, W., & Wallis, C. (2021). “Why do they want others to suffer the same pain they have endured?” Weibo debates about pain relief during childbirth in neo/non-liberal China. Women’s Studies in Communication. doi:10.1080/07491409.2021.1947925
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