Conventions and Conferences
Departmental Conferences
The Department of Communication at Texas A&M University regularly hosts a conference on a unique theme related to the study of rhetoric and public affairs and connected with the theme of Civil Dialogue and Leadership. Growing out of a long tradition of hosting bi-annual conferences on Presidential Rhetoric, this conference now has expanded to included such themes as “Rhetoric, Politics, and the Obama Phenomenon” in 2010, “Symbolic Violence” in 2012, “Civic Dialogue and Leadership” in 2014, “Gender and Citizenship” in 2016, and “Rhetoric and the New Fascism” in 2018. This conference is held on campus at the Memorial Student Center, and hosts presentations by leading scholars in rhetoric and communication in a setting that facilitates intellectual discussion while encouraging social interaction between conference-goers.
Every year the Department of Communication at Texas A&M University invites submissions from undergraduate and graduate students throughout Texas to our annual day-long student conference, “Communicating Diversity,” which presents work that highlight voices of minoritized and marginalized groups and focus of diversity issues related to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, class, age. The conference is held on the Texas A&M campus in College Station, Texas. We invite submissions related to, though not limited to, cultural diversity in “old” and “new” media, global technology, civic discourse, leadership, health communication, organizational communication, rhetoric and public address, interpersonal communication, and intercultural communication.
The purpose of the Global Fusion Conference series, which began in 2000, is to promote academic excellence in global media and international communication studies. The conference is sponsored by a consortium of universities: The University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, Ohio University, Southern Illinois University, Temple University and the University of Virginia. We invite original, non-published research submissions on any aspect of global media and international aspects of mediated communication. Any theoretical and methodological approaches appropriate to communication research are acceptable and encouraged. The call is open to panels on the widest possible range of topics.
One of the unique opportunities offered to Communication and Telecommunication Media Studies majors is the Annual Freshman Communication Research Conference each fall. These students enroll in one hour of COMM 291-Research (lower division.) This conference allows first-semester Freshmen to present original and collaborative research in a public setting. Students are encouraged to ask a question about communication and then working alone, with a partner, or in a group of three, to select a research method, read the relevant literature, and conduct their project. Attended by students, professors, staff, and deans, each comes away with a rich understanding of the field of communication, along with admiration for these new scholars. Over the last five years, a total of 644 students have taken advantage of this opportunity.