Kayan Khraisheh
- Contact
- kayankhraisheh@tamu.edu
- Bolton 204
Kayan Khraisheh is a first-year PhD student with an interest in health communication, focusing on the factors that impact public adoption of health measures and technologies, and understanding how culture, religion, and other similar factors play a role in the acceptance of health messaging.
Kayan is a Palestinian-American who grew up in Lexington, Kentucky, and has lived in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. She received her BSc in Media Industries & Technology from Northwestern University, as well as a certificate in Strategic Communication. As an undergraduate research assistant, she worked on projects ranging from mental health information-seeking and voice commerce to public safety communication campaigns.
Her volunteering experiences include working with refugees in Greece and designing a campaign to combat child abuse, among others. She is currently volunteering with A&M’s American Red Cross Club, working with Habitat for Humanity and the food bank.