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Randall S. Sumpter

Faculty member Randall Sumpter
Professor Emeritus
Areas of Speciality
  • Journalism & Media Practices
Professional Links


Research Gate IconMy research focuses on the evolution of journalistic work routines from 1875 to the present day. A particular interest is how various social forces and institutions help shape these routines and how the resulting mass messages, in turn, shape our society and our perception of the social world.


My research focuses on the evolution of journalistic work routines from 1875 to the present day. It seeks answers to three questions: How do various social forces and institutions shape these routines over time? How do the resulting mass messages, in turn, shape our society and our perception of the social world? Who, at any one time, is included and excluded in this constructed reality?  My work as a news professional during a seventeen-year period before I entered the academy has informed this research agenda. The results have been published in a variety of journals including American JournalismJournal of Broadcasting and Electronic MediaJournalism History, Science CommunicationJournalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Critical Studies in Media Communication, and a book, Before Journalism Schools: How Gilded Age Reporters Learned the Rules, with the University of Missouri Press.

Teaching Philosophy:
I believe my task as a university professor encompasses more than teaching my students the material specified in a course syllabus. My duties also include preparing my students to be productive members of a more diverse society by linking course material, discussions, and projects to the realities that exist outside of the classroom.

Courses Taught

  • COMM 360: Cultural History of the Media
  • COMM 663: Seminar in Telecommunications and Media Studies: Organizational Sociology
  • COMM 350: Theories of Media Communication
  • COMM 460: Communication and Contemporary Issues—Media and Society
  • COMM 345: Media Industries
  • COMM 698: Special Topics in Media Sociology
  • JOUR 490: Journalism as a Profession
  • JOUR 409: History of the Mass Media
  • JOUR 304: Editing for Mass Media
  • JOUR 620: Research Methods in Science and Technology Journalism
  • JOUR 408: Mass Media and Public Opinion
  • JOUR 310: Computer-Assisted Reporting

Representative Publications