12 Calfe skines & 13 Cane Chaires 4 tables 4 Carpetts
5 window Curtin a map a turkeywork Couch & pillow
1 paire of playing tables
1 old Cuboard 1 old table a Looking Glass a old
Chest a old Chaire & a water Jarr
A parcell of Empty bottles a parcell of Earthen ware 1 pole
7 Lantherne 1 old Cuboard 2 old dive (?)
1 bed and furniture 1 old Chest of Drawers 6 Chaires
& Table 1 Chest & boxes & window Curtins &
a looking Glasse
1 bed & furniture 4 Chaires a looking Glass & a
Case of pistolls
A feather bed bolster bedstead & quilt
16 pr. sheets 3 hamacoes 16 pr. of pillow: bers 6 doz.
of ozenbridge napkins 10 table Cloathes Ditto 13
Damask napkins 1 table Coath 2 towels ditto
3 doz. 10 Diapd napkins 2 table Cloaths 6 towells
2 doz. 2 napkins 1 table cloath Fleesy Lining 2 doz
½ ozen bridge towels 3 old Cubbard Cloaths
1 bed & furniture 1 Cott 2 pillows & a quilt 6 Chaires
1 trunke 2 Chest of Drawers 1 table Star & dressing box
2 looking Glasses 1 picture 2 small truckes
a parcell of Glasses & bottles a pcell of bookes 1 small
table 10 nhs hafted knives 9 doz. forks two old Rashits
1 Chaire
6 old Chestes 6 old Gunns 1 bed & furniture a Looking
Glass 1 Great Jarr a bottle a greate flaskit a Close stoole
Chaire & pan 23 blue shirts 23 paire of breches 5 pound
of thread or peice of purpituana 19 yds of blose Lining
34 yds of ozenbridge a Sadle a prcell of brushes
Carried over to ye other Side Sume
Brought over from ye other side
6 Iron potts 3 Jack 2 spits 2 pr of Rackes three trivits
1 pr tonges 1 gridiron. 1 frying pann 1 scimer 7 brase
candlestickes a pr of snuffers & plaiser 2 tine driping panes
6 smoothing Irons 1 tinne funnill 1 fier fonder 1 flerk
3 barrils of beefe
a quile & ½ of white hops
377 oz. ½ of plate tipte
318 pound of pewter ga. of Crafe
2 doz. of bills. w15 hones 11 new axes
2 graters 1 bakeing Iron small waites & scales
1 prachins & a barell Emty
2 raines 10 yoakes & 5 Chaines
2 short space Rowlars (?)
502 potts 400 drips
37 piggs & hoggs of all Sorts
26 negro men with their tooles & 24 negro women
13 negro boys & 6 negro Girls
4 house negroes & a child
one negroe woman named Rose
a parcell of Carpenters tools
5 Sovervant men some almost free
27 working steers 11 working horses
20 mares & Colts th. are Running in ye Savana
40 head of all sorts of Catle and 108 of all Sorts of
sheepe at ye Penns
Mr Carter wareing aparrill
a silver hilted sword
139 Duckes & fowles of sorts
52 turkeys of all sorts
A Sadle & furniture
20 yds of new lining Cloath
1 negro man at ye pen
3 negro man Super an wated & informed
1 feather bed one bolster 1 pillow 1 bedstead old furniture
& 3 old Chaires 1 Chest and one old Table
The halfe part of 140 sheepe
ye half part of 106 Cattle of al sort
7 young steers
1 mare & Colt
debts standing out about ½ 600 (?) |
13 18 06
07 05 00
00 00 00
11 15 00
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20 18 00
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95 10 06
95 10 06
06 00 00
03 15 00
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102 08 00
16 10 00
03 19 06
01 00 00
01 10 00
26 00 00
01 10 00
16 00 00
16 00 00
677 00 00
134 00 00
80 00 00
22 00 00
01 10 00
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217 00 00
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206 50 00
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07 00 50
10 00 00
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02 10 00
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20 00 00
05 55 00
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35 00 00
01 10 00
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